Shifting Gears

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Sexual content warning!!!

"No, no way, that just will not do," Asami frowns, staring hard at Korra across the lunch table.

Asami has become a regular face in their group, for reasons Korra isn't quite sure about, but she brings a chef who makes the Fire Ferrets some really delicious chow after their matches and all of their practices, so nobody's complaining. Korra doesn't mind Asami, really—she's nice and generous, in that weird, crazy way a lot of rich people are—but she wouldn't consider them close friends by any stretch. So she's not sure why her inability to drive became the topic of conversation in the first place, but the bigger question is why Asami is suddenly dead set on teaching her how.

"Uh, really, it's fine, Miss Sato. I have Naga to get me places," Korra mumbles into her tea.

Asami pouts at her and folds her arms across her chest. "You don't need to call me that. We're not at some formal dinner party, Miss Avatar," she says, and Korra winces. She hates being called that—it makes her feel less like a person and more like a monument, some statue that people revere and love, but don't give any humanity to—and sighs, getting the message.

"Look, Asami," Korra starts, putting down her tea and giving Asami her full attention. Between them, Mako and Bolin are concentrating entirely too hard on their plates of curry, unwilling to step in and stop whatever's about to happen. "I appreciate the offer, and I'm sure no one's a better teacher than you, but I have a perfectly reliable means of transportation, and I'm too busy for driving lessons that I really don't need, anyway."

"I know you're busy, and Naga is a great polar bear dog, Korra, but she can't come with you everywhere. And sometimes bending isn't an option, either, so you need to be prepared for anything and everything, and driving is an important skill! Besides, most of Republic City drives Satomobiles now, and they aren't like some fashion trend, these will be here to stay, and what will the public think if their own Avatar refuses to adapt to the future and the changes it brings? A positive public image is already hard enough for you to maintain without new headlines about you being stuck in your ways and all old fashioned and the like. If you want to win the people of Republic City over, you need to modernize. And you'll do that by driving."

Korra is gawking now, and even Bolin and Mako have looked up from stuffing their faces with equally astonished faces. After a few long beats of silence, Mako quietly says, "Y'know, she kinda has a point—" before being smacked in the face with Korra's chopsticks hard enough to send him falling backwards off his seat. Mako groans, Bolin snickers, Asami makes worried noises and runs to his side, and Korra fumes in her seat because now she has to learn how to drive.

Two days later, Asami hauls a reluctant Korra out after pro-bending practice and walks her right up to a brand new Satomobile.

"Fresh off the line, just for you," Asami winks, walking around to the passenger side and opening the door. But Korra just stares at it, unwilling to step towards it, like it's an animal that'll attack the moment she gets close. "It won't eat you," Asami says, sticking her head out the side and making Korra jump.

"I-I know," Korra says, but she still doesn't move.

Asami huffs, making the bangs in her face dance a little bit, and pushes the driver's side door open.

"You can do this, Korra."

It's a simple thing to say, but it's the right thing, and Korra steps forward, awkwardly fitting herself into the driver's seat and pulling the door closed.

She regrets it almost instantly, though, because on the floor are three pedals and a big lever and in front of her is a wheel and there is no way she can do this.

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