SuperArrow, The End.

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Oh my god." Thea said

Oh my god." Alex said




and Felicity repeated that.

"Do you?" Oliver asked

"Y-Yes" Kara said

"Okay... I promise not to tell him" Oliver said

"Thank-k yo-u" Kara said

--- After an hour. When Kara was herself,again. Not remembering anything

AHHHH"Thea said

"Kara?" Oliver asked

"Oliver,hey" Kara waved at him.

Are you okay?" Oliver asked

Now that you're here." Kara said

Why?" Oliver asked a little too fast, Kara noticed it and said

"Hey are you okay?" Kara asked

It's about you, Kara, you, not me." Oliver said

Oliver,stop."Kara said

Only for you" Oliver said

No one, have to say something about this?" Thea asked

I have a word to describe this" Felicity said

And that's it?" Thea asked

"Cute." Felicity said

And because I felt alone." Kara said

You don't remember a thing are you?" Oliver asked

What should I remember?" Kara asked

Nothing..." Oliver said

Oliver, I remember clearly that I told you, you can't hide things from me, so you have 10 seconds to tell me or I..." Kara said but not capable to finish that because she doesn't have her powers still...

"Okay, you scared me Kara, I thought you're going to die, I thought I'm going to lose the most important person in my life, when Cisco vibe me there, I saw you, powerful, in your glory, a shiny person talking to me that is rare Kara, and thank God, you did..." Oliver started

"Oliver..."Kara didn't have words she was more than greatfull that Oliver came onto her earth.

Oh my god" Thea said

Ikr!" Laurel said

What the hell is Ikr?" Felicity asked

"I know right, lol" Laurel said

What the hell is, lol?" Felicity asked

Being amused, lmfao" Laurel asked

WHAT THE HELL IS, LMFAO" Felicity asked

That is for me to know and you to discover." Laurel said

Please let me finish, Kara, without you I would not be a hero, I would still be that vigillante that kills, or when Prometheus tortured me, you helped me, or when Ricardo Diaz attacked us, Without you, Kara Danvers, I was the one who will be dead, but thank Rao that I'm not." Oliver said, Kara laughed a little when he said "Rao" but her sad face came back instantly.

Oliver..." Kara said not having the words

You don't have to say anything Kara." Oliver said

I have to, Oliver, you are the most important person in my life too, don't think that without you would be easier to me, would be harder, trust me." Kara started "Always" Oliver said, Kara smiled. "Can I go now?" Kara asked

A nurse came in and said "Kara Danvers Queen you can go" The nurse said, Kara and Oliver gasped

Sorry, Sorry I was reading the only one who can visit besides your family, sorry" The nurse said


God both of them blushed this time


"It's okay, we can go"Kara said, raising from the bed.

They went out

"That nurse, am I right?" Oliver tried to joke 

"Oliver, don't try you're going to make it just more strange" Kara said

"Yes, sorry" Oliver said

"Oh my Rao, Oliver just said sorry, where are the cameras???" Kara said not sounding serious at all and laughing HARD.

"And she's back." Oliver said

"Rao, I hate you." Oliver continued

"You love me" Kara said.

"Yeah,you're right." Oliver said, Kara wanted to come closer to give him a hug, to make him feel better, how she usually does, when she does thing like things, but she trips because of a stone and falls in Oliver's arms their eyes making contanct, their faces 1 inch, The rain just started, Oliver looked again at her, asking permision to kiss her, Kara grants him the permission he needs,Their lips were inches away, and when they finally met, The kiss lasted for 10 seconds, The kiss was full of passion, want, and most important love, but after that 10 seconds, Kara finally felt something that she didn't felt lately, her powers came back because she kissed Oliver, she didn't know and didn't care, she continued the kiss,


LOVE YA GUYS!!!" Laurel said

YAAAAA" Felicity agreed.

Bara and Sara clapped

Alex just screamed "HELL YA"

Oliver and Kara laughed but blushed, a little strange to watch him kissing Kara, but not something that he will not going to do now.

"Oliver?" Kara asked

"Yes?" Oliver said

"Did I said I love you?" Kara asked

"One time, but doesn't bother me to hear it one more time" Oliver said

"I love you." Kara said

"I love you too!" Oliver said kissing her again but this time with a little more passion that the last time, this kiss was longer, and 100% percent something they wanted.


---- The End ----

Oh my god" Thea said

God, I love those two" Laurel said

Me too" Felicity agreed one more time with her

Now all of their eyes went to Kara and Oliver, they blushed again.

So...." Barry said

"So what..." Kara said

KISS!" Alex said

Everyone exclaimed" KISS, KISS, KISS,KISS" 

Oliver decide to start, repeating the same moves that were in the movie, Kara noticed it and she tried to repeat them too, and she kinda did, but this time she was felting it and coming obsessed with it, now Kara knows, that she and Oliver will finally be together, she have to admit a little crush on Oliver Queen, she had it, but not her crush isn't anymore just a crush, and she was more than glad to see,hear,felt that.

Oliver Queen, the man of her dreams

Kara Danvers, the woman of his dreams.

------------ The End of this book ----------

Good we had a long way guys, 15 chapters, a new world record for me, I was thinking to do a sequel something like watching their life together, Kara with Oliver, Barry with Sara, Alex with Thea, etc. But I thought about it more, and thought it would not make sense,

Anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this book, I will start another one and give you a spoiler,

"The Last People on Earth" (With votable ships)

This book will not start soon, I have to end the rest of my own, and decide if I still want to continue writing, because I don't get that support that I got for SuperArrow Part 1 , votes at least 7, god I got only 4-5 and no comments, anyways I don't let things undone.

- Love ya

= The End =

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