Chapter 1 Part 2

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" Okay... Leader" Kara said sarcastically but she did it

Yes like you are really going to tell Kara what to do" Oliver said sarcastically

Shut up that's not me!" Malcolm said

Yes it is" Future Laurel said

Shut up! " Malcolm said demanding again

" When Kara flied both of them away she flied them at Oliver's place"

" So Laurel stepped on the mine?" Oliver asked knowing the answer

" Actually no Malcolm did it" Kara said laughing because she just realized it now what he did.

" What is so funny?!" Malcolm asked looking at Kara 

" Nothing. Nothing!" Kara said trying to not laugh but failing miserable  

" Malcolm can I have a word with you?" Laurel asked looking at him 

" Yes. See you later"

" See you" Kara and Oliver said in unison

Old habits still going?" Thea asked

What did I said to you last time?"

And why you don't do it?" Oliver said 

Because, now seriously everyone here is shipping you with Kara I don't care what feature is saying you two should be together" Thea said

This time was Kara who hit her with a pillow

Even taking her boyfriend habits see made to be together" Thea said with a smirk and laughed

Oliver and Kara just sighed and continued watching. 

" So..." Laurel started not knowing what how to start

"So..." Malcolm didn't know either

"I have to thank you for saving my life there and saving my mind from a lecture from Oliver Queen" 

Still not saved" Oliver said

" I told you,Laurel, I will do everything in my power and beyond to keep you safe"

Awww" All the girls said in unison

That sounds like me" Malcolm said but sadly for him nobody responded

"Now I know , but I really have to tell you something." Laurel said

"It's okay if you don't like me back b/ He was interrupted by Laurel who was again kissing his lips"

"Shh. You are going to ruin this moment" Laurel said this time the kiss was deeper 

Now I ship them" Thea said

You ship everyone with everyone" Oliver said

Nope I ship you with Kara and Laurel with Malcolm" Thea said smiling and continued watching the movie

Laurel was quiet too quiet everyone like almost forgot she was there.

" I love you Laurel"

Awwwwwww" Again all the girls said in unison but Laurel just shut up but she really wanted to say something so she say the first thing that came inside her head

" I love you too,Malcolm!" Laurel yelled at the screen

When Malcolm and Thea heard that they were more than happy that Laurel yelled that but for different reasons , Thea was happy because her ship was sailing , But Malcolm on the other hand he thought about Laurel more than just a friend since this movie he noticed Malcolm but the feature one he will do everything to keep her safe... now and then.

"They saw Oliver's girlfriend and Oliver's bed 

Still hate you for not naming her" Kara said

Why do you really want to know her name?" Future Laurel asked

Because I want to meet her! but you've told us she's here so who is she PLEASE just tell us"

I think that was me talking"Thea said smirking

"Hm...Guess who is the next two people and I will tell you her name " Future Laurel proposed

" Hey!" Nora said

" Like she will guess" Future Laurel told Nora

" Barry with Sara?" Kara said 

" W-what?" Future Laurel thought loud she was right

" I guessed it?" Kara asked

Yes... But I can't tell you I can tell you her hair is blond (She said looking at Felicity to ruin her)

" Oh no..." Kara said

" Continue the movie already" Slade said

" Okay." Future Laurel said continuing 

" Are you sure?" Malcolm asked

" Ask me one more time this and I'm going to kick your ass" Laurel said frustrated 

" You are still making me happy" Malcolm said it out loud like it was nothing but for him was easy

" You too" Laurel said

--- The End ---

BUT  BUT I have a million questions" Laurel said

Ask them now" Future Laurel said

How Oliver reacted when he found out?" Laurel said

" Happy his girlfriend okay I will tell her name Felicity were shipping them" 

" W-what?" Felicity asked she didn't wanted a relationship with Oliver now. Now not in the feature so she thought about it a little more she really wanted it

WHAT?" Slade , Malcolm and almost like everyone not Oliver and Felicity said 

" I prefer not to." Kara said. Reformulating that she wanted to met her

" I told you..."Future Laurel said lying 

So the next one is Sara and Barry!

Stay you were seriously?" Barry asked

I'm not kidding around Barry" Future Laurel said

So you're my,ours daughter" Sara said looking at Nora

Nora just nodded her head

In the feature I'm faster than you right...?" Barry asked trying to make a joke

Barry!" Sara said punching Barry in the arm.

What! I want to know !" Barry said

This will be my secret father sorry" Nora said. But in the feature he kinda stops being The Flash since she was born so she kinda felt guilty...

Kara's daughter will come next time" Future Sara shouted loudly 

My Daughter?" Kara asked herself but with who ? Continuing "With who?"

My secret..." Future Sara shouted again !

So the next movie?

The next movie" Everyone said in unison 

--- Everyone's Point of view

Kara :

Felicity and Oliver? They tried it once this went bad why will Oliver choose her again? When I think about them I want to puke , No offense Oliver but she isn't the right girl for you


Me and Felicity? I tried with her once and went bad. I'm really waiting to know how and why are we still together...


Kid and that blondie ? Prefer to suicide myself,Oliver is looking better with Kara.That Felicity girl just injected me with that Mirakuru only because Oliver got my attention I know I should thank her but with Oliver, Kara is the only girl


Okay don't get me wrong Felicity it's a good friend but she isn't the right woman for my brother the right woman is Kara she is the only one who made him smile when he was sad and this is where our ship started.


First of all : Me with Laurel ? I didn't thought about it but now I just can't stop thinking about her

Second of all: Ew. Oliver with any other girl than Kara is a no one.

Alex :

Everyone here is shipping Oliver with my sister I even ship it when Kara came here the first time Oliver welcomed her he made her think this is a place where she can stay and this is something I will be always thankfull about it and when I came here first time I noticed my sis every time but every time she was happy not sad or something when she went sad she came happy but the feature can change right?

Laurel :

First of all : Me and Malcolm... now I think I'm shipping myself with someone I'm wondering if Malcolm is liking me now... But how can he ?

And Second of all : Felicity with Oliver made a great couple like water and fire. Felicity is stopping him to become who can really be.

and last POV ( And I didn't introduce everyone only the who really had a opinion about it )

Felicity :

Me and Oliver ? I think we are going to be a great couple. Everyone is shipping him with Kara I don't... She is alien he is a human this isn't something that really works.I think I'm in love with Oliver Queen again...

- I think I'm going to kill myself again... When I wrote that line I just thought Kara said it but when I had to reread it I just almost...Anyways hope you are liking it I saw this story is the best so far... 2 Chapters and 200 views :)) 

<3 u all

- Love you your SuperArrow writer

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