SuperArrow Part 2

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What we're celebrating today?

Almost 100 views for my first chapter of this story, God, I didn't think you like this story that much, even if will end, but I was thinking of doing a sequel. What do you think?


After an hour,Oliver, went to a hospital, and Kara woke up

O-liv-er?" Kara said in a weak voice

No,you have to sleep, to gain your forces again." Oliver said

I real-ly wan-t t-o kn-ow"Kara said

What can be more important than your life?" Oliver said a little mad, but not at her."

She gain it for her boyfriend"Thea said

Shu/ Oliver interrupted himself, now he can't say,  that him and Kara will not be together.

Kara just shot her a glare, not a death one, but a glare was sure.

Di-d y-ou mean-t i-t?" Kara asked him trying to not fall asleep again.

W-what?" Oliver asked

Wh-en I Fe-ll yo-u me-ant it?" Kara asked

Kara, how can you possibly think, I don't want to be friends with you anymore, I'm not your friend because of your powers, or because you're some kind of a badass alien"She laughs a little at his comment, "I'm your friend because of who you are, the most kind woman in this world, okay you what I mean!" Oliver said trying to sound serious, and a little funny at all

God, that was..." Thea was wordless, if Thea was wordless how was Kara and Oliver.

If we were in that kind of situation, you would do the same?" Kara asked Oliver

Yes."Oliver said letting the movie again

Than-k y-ou" Kara said almost powerless

No, Thank you for stepping in my life, Kara Danvers." He said, Kara smiled and starts to sleep.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" SuperArrow girl shippers said

Oliver didn't left that hospital till the nurse told him to, he was blaming himself for being that stupid, for letting Kara of his sight, Now he get it, it was his fault, if he wouldn't raised his voice,maybe Kara wasn't there, what maybe, he was sure she will not be there, but then Barry Allen came there to took him from his thoughts

Hey it's me!" Barry said

Shut up Allen" Sara said

Make me" Barry said

Maybe after we're out."Sara said

Only SuperArrow is allowed!" Thea said

Yeah" Winn said

Yeah" Lena said

Yeah" Diggle said

Yeah" Alex said

Yeah"Slade said

WE GET IT" Barry said

Barry?" Oliver asked

Oliver, was Alex right?" Barry asked

About what?" Oliver asked trying to sound that he doesn't know about what Barry is saying.

Don't try to play a fool, tell me, is she alright?" Barry said

If I was playing a game, I wouldn't play it with you, Barry." Oliver said

This is a kind of a fight?" Barry said

Sound so" Oliver said

Sorry, man I know you're in pain, she's your best friend, but she's a friend of mine so please." Barry said

She will be alright, she's more than capable to take care of herself, but she have some serious injures but a night or two of sleep should help not resolve only help." Oliver said

Oliver?" Barry asked

What is it Barry?" Oliver responded 

You and Felicity are still together?"  Barry asked

Kara is in a hospital, and you're asking with who am I dating?" Oliver tried to double-check but showing that wasn't right.

Wow, hope not" Thea said

Felicity didn't say a thing. now she understood that she didn't have chance to be with Oliver and she stepped down letting Kara in.(In her mind) and said "Me too"

Oliver just looked at Felicity, not surprised just smiled.

Sorry, but if you're speaking about something else maybe will make you feel better." Barry said

And from all topics you can choose you chose this?" Oliver asked

Sorry, Man, it was the first one in my mind" Barry said, Oliver sighed and responded

"No." A firm and clearly No, he and Felicity broke up when Kara and him become best friends, they were spending a lot of time together, more than with her, she broke up, Oliver understood but they were friends, good friends she knows if she need help she will get it, Even with boys"

I don't have words?" Thea asked loud.

Thea, not having words, can someone take a pic?" Oliver asked

Can I?" Kara asked

Shut up Kara Danvers Queen."

Yeah!" Barry said

Oliver was looking at the screen, Kara blushed.

SuperArrow operation:

Kara just blushed when I said "Kara Danvers Queen"

So she have a crush on our Queen?" Thea asked

Of course she has.  Alex said

They are meant to be together guys, of course but Kara have to start"  Barry said.

So you want to come at dinner?" Barry asked

Nah, I will let you and Sara "have" this night" Oliver said,Barry knew what he was talking about nods and leaves.

Now he was going where he wanted before Barry, at Thea and Alex's place.

At their places"

Oliver knock in the door and Alex opened

Are you free?" Oliver asked

How can we not be free, my sister is in the hospital" Alex said hugging Oliver, who will definitely be Kara's husband they are spending like 10/24 of the day together.

SEE the feature me is thinking like me" Alex said

Kara blushed,again."SuperArrow operations noticed that"

How are you?" Alex asked

Good where's Thea?" Oliver asked

She's taking a bath, after I told that she was very mad, she needed to calm down

I wanted to tell you but," Oliver started

No buts, Oliver you're the one who must be very sad..."Alex said

You're her sister, don't put yourself that down, because you're not"Oliver said

Definitely, the next husband for Kara was standing in her front"

If you want to sleep, you can take the couch" Alex said

I don't want to disturb" Oliver said

You don't" Thea said coming from the bathroom.

Okay, then if you insist" He said.

Hey it's me" Thea said


It was 6 AM, the hospital is opening at 6:30, Oliver woke up at 5:45, preparing and arriving at that Hospital Kara was, at 6:35.

He notice she wasn't sleeping

"Didn't I told you to sleep?" Oliver said

"You told, that doesn't mean I have to listen" Kara said with a smile

"Rao..." Oliver said

Did I just say Rao?"  Oliver said

Did you just say Rao?" Kara asked

"Shut up, I knew you're going to come here that fast, and I knew you're blaming yourself for that fight, and I knew that you went to Alex and Thea's" Kara said

W-what how?" Oliver asked

Did you forgot that I'm your bestfriend, I may be weak b"Oliver interrupted her

WoW" Thea said

You're not weak! you're the strongest woman I've ever met, I don't really care you don't have your powers for a temporarily amount of time." Oliver said

Of course, she's." Thea said

Can you come closer?" Kara asked , he came closer

Closer" He came closer

Is the time?" Thea said

She whispered "Is Alex mad at you?" Kara asked

No she was okay with me, and sad because of your state" Oliver said

FFF" Thea said

We have to give her a sedative" A nurse came

Why?" Oliver asked

Because we only have to do one more thing and she can go." The nurse said

Okay." Oliver said smiling that Kara will finally be out.

--- After 30 minutes of doing their thing, a nurse came in and said "Be careful with her, she may do somethings that she will may regret."

"Okay." Oliver said going right to Kara's.

Kara?" Oliver said

Hey, do you know a Oliver Queen?" Kara said

Yeah," Oliver responded and smiled 

Can you keep a secret?" Kara asked 

Yes..." Oliver said

Come closer, Come Closer,Closer,Closer, Don't be afraid I don't bite." Kara said till their faces were inches away.

"I love him, Oliver Queen." She said

OMG!!!!" Lena said

AWWWWWW" Thea said

Laurel just clapped and said Finally

Kara blushed like a tomato, Oliver looked at her, not knowing what to say, was she red because of what her feature self said, or because is the truth now, too.? And if is the truth how can she disguise it that good?

--- The End for Part 2 ---

I hope I didn't let you down and 1300 words because of the last chapter had 800 :)

God, I have to say, No kisses in 2000 words, New best score :)

Thank you for your support at this story, it was AMAZING, and comment how do you want this story to end.

See you in the next part.

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