Chapter 22 New Abilities

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Chapter 22

New Abilities

The rest of my time in the Department of Mysteries swept by like a dreadful storm, leaving damage that could never be undone. Dumbledore came and chased away Voldemort. Only Bellatrix Lestrange escaped with him. The rest of the Death Eaters were arrested and sentenced to Azkaban.

Two funerals were held a few days later. The first honored Sirius Black, finally declaring his innocence to the public. The one happening now was for Aunt Becky. Mum sat on one side of me, while Uncle Richard sat on the other. As immediate family, we sat up front. My cheeks grew so numb I could no longer feel the tears streaming down them.

When the service ended my uncle immediately stood up, muttering something about needing fresh air. I did not move. The moment I walked over to the sheer chestnut and left this building it would be official. She would really be gone.

"Livia, would you like water?" Dad asked from the other side of Mum.

She wiped away her tears and nodded. "Yes, thank you."

When he walked away, she shook her head and barely whispered, "I could've visited more. She would always ask me. Even last summer, I could have spared a few days... if only I'd known..."

"It was my fault," I admitted, feeling my tears start to burn again. "I shouldn't have gone. If I hadn't then maybe..."

"You're right, you shouldn't have gone that night. It was way too dangerous," she agreed, but then let out a breath and added, "but it wasn't your fault. She would have continued to fight for what's right no matter what. I may not have spent that much time around here but that, I know for certain."

I merely nodded and stood up. I told Mum I was going to check on Uncle Richard. I found him outside, but he was not alone. A couple men that appeared like they worked for the Ministry had approached him.

"Cornelius Fudge has resigned," one was saying. "We need a new Minister of Magic..."

When Uncle Richard did not acknowledge his statement, the other chimed in. "We were hoping you, Richard, would do the honors of filling in the position."

He gaped at him darkly. "You're asking me that now? My wife is dead because the Ministry refused the acknowledge the truth about Voldemort's return!"

They both gasped at the name. "Mr. Chamberson, you really shouldn't say..."

"What, his name?" Uncle Richard raged. "What good does not saying his name do? He's still came!"

"Yes, well that's why we're asking..."

"NO! I will not be your Minister! From this day on, I will have no part in the Ministry!"

With that, he stormed off. I glared at the Ministry is men and shook my head. "That was seriously... terrible timing."

I turned away from them and followed Uncle Richard. He had sunk down on the fountain in the outdoor patio. I sat down beside him.

"I should have blasted those men," he muttered to me.

"You were right to walk away," I told but added, "though if they try to talk to you again, definitely blast them."

He let out a small chuckle before sinking his head down. "I married Becky right after school. I knew she was the one then, and now..."

As his voice trailed off, I said to him, "She was the one to introduce me to this world. I wouldn't be the person I am today if not for her."

He did smile for a moment. "She was so proud of you, Melanie. She told me that everyday while you were at school, and when you came back and showed us what you learned, I could just tell how much it filled her heart with joy to see what you've accomplished."

I remembered how she reacted to everything I showed her when I came home. Even though it was after I got expelled, she and I had some of the best times together. I just wished she could see everything I will accomplish.


I returned to Hogwarts for the last week of school to take my O.W.Ls. Dumbledore reclaimed the school and just as Aunt Becky said he would, he revoked my expulsion. Thankfully he deemed my homeschooling fit for my education so as long as I passed my exams I could move on to sixth year with my friends.

After my testing was done I had no further desire to stay. Everything magical made me think of Aunt Becky, and my chest ached. Part of me wanted to go back to Little Whinging and put this all behind me, but that would disappoint Aunt Becky more than anything. There seemed to be no right choice.

I sat in the library alone. I had pulled out a book on vampires but could not concentrate on it.

"Hey," a voice mumbled behind me. "Is this seat taken?"

It was Lenora. I shrugged, not really caring one way or the other.

She sighed and sat down.

"I'm sorry about your aunt."

I did not say anything.

"Morgan told me about what happened..."

I actually did manage to turn my head to her. "Is that what you were trying to warn me about, your dad?"

She nodded.

"Is he fully transformed?"

"Yes," she said, quietly.

I took in a breath before asking quietly, "How did he die?"

She hesitated for a moment. I assumed this had to be the first time she have ever told this story. She finally said, "It happened when I was a baby. Dad told me he was on his way to the Ministry for a promotion but he was attacked, by one or two... maybe three... he was left to bleed to death on the road. That was when everything changed. He couldn't go out during the day because if vampires are out in the sun too long, they'll burn to death so his only option was to take a job as a night guard."

I paused for a moment before asking, "Was your mum around at the time?"

She shrugged. "I guess, maybe. I don't know. Someone must have been with me then besides him. He won't talk about her."

This could be the moment to tell her about what I know, or at least what I think I know about her mum. Mars Lane was locked in Azkaban. He would not be able to do her any harm.

Lenora pulled a pouch and handed it to me.

"What's this?" I asked her.

"Blood," she answered grimly. "Well, blood potion. You'll only get blood craving during the full moon so that should be enough to get you through the next one. It's really difficult to make and some of the ingredients are hard to get a hold of. It took me thousands of tries to get it right."

"You had to make this for your dad?"

"For the first few years, the Ministry provided blood potion for him," she explained to me, "but after a while he couldn't afford to keep paying for it. I had to learn then. If I didn't make sure he was fed then it was likely I would be the one to get eaten..."

I looked at her, deeply. It was difficult to imagine that kind of life. I had always been around an overprotective family, but Lenora's situation was quite the opposite. She had to worry about her own dad possibly killing her. I shook at the thought.

"Is there anything good about what's happened to me?" I asked her.

"Well now that you have Vampire venom running through your blood, you should feel stronger in some areas. You'll be able to aparate easily, usually that's hard to learn at first. You'll also be able to levitate without a broom, but that's stronger during the full moon, and..." she paused, appearing to debate on whether to tell me. "You can also easily suppress your feelings, if something is too painful, like grief, you can block that feeling so it doesn't hurt you."

I drew in a breath and gazed at my former best friend with gratitude. That was probably the best advice anyone could give me right now. It was definitely better than hearing 'I'm sorry for your loss' over and over again. I would feel better soon and be ready for my next year at Hogwarts.

Melanie Rosen: Year 5 (A Harry Potter Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now