Chapter 21 Rescue Unfolded

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Chapter 21

Rescue Unfolded

Without any further hesitation I rushed into the study, where both Aunt Becky and Uncle Richard were.

"They're in trouble!" I panted. "Harry, Ron, Morgan, Hermione... they are walking into a trap and about the be attacked by Death Eaters!"

Aunt Becky looked at me horrified. "What? How do you know this?"

"Lenora told me... just now in the fireplace. I guess she could be lying, I don't know... it's Lenora, but she could be telling the truth and if she is, they're all walking right into a trap as we speak!"

"Did she say where?" Uncle Richard asked in a more level tone.

I glanced down for a moment to recall. "The Department of Mysteries."

He glanced at Aunt Becky before saying, "That makes sense. We know You-Know-Who is after a prophecy located there."

We heard a pop from the fireplace in the living and all rushed there. Mrs. Brody had entered apparently with Floo Powder.


"Is it true?" she demanded before Mrs. Brody could finish. "Are the kids in trouble?"

She nodded. "Severus came and told us Harry believes Sirius is in trouble, but Sirius is with us right now. It's a trap, Becky!"

Uncle Richard nodded towards both of them. "We have to go, quickly."

"Don't worry, Melanie," Aunt Becky said to me, gently but firm. "We'll take care of this. We will get your friends to safety."

"What... You can't expect me to wait here!" I stammered in an outrage. "Not while people I care about are in trouble!"

"Oh Melanie," she said in a doleful breath. "It's just too..."

"What... dangerous? Isn't that why I've been working so hard on defense magic this year? For times like this!" I declared firmly. "I cannot... will not wait idly aside and do nothing. You know I won't."


"And Morgan... he's the first person I've felt this way about... if something were to happen to him and I wasn't there... I have to fight sometime. You can't protect me from everything for the rest of my life."

Aunt Becky took in a breath and placed her hands on my shoulders. "Okay."

For a moment, I could not move, I was so taken aback. "Wait... really?"

She smiled and glanced at Uncle Richard who appeared just as shocked.

"Really?" He questioned with a raised brow.

"Yes," she insisted, firmly, looking between him and me. "You've seen what he has learned to do since she came back. Richard, she can do spells we both struggled with at her age. She's just as advanced, if not more so, than some of the Aurors we work with now. We need her."

I saw Aunt Becky's eyes began to glisten with tears and started to feel my own warm up. It would be one thing if she merely allowed me to come because I insisted. But it became more than that. She claimed she needed me to help them fight. She believed in me.

I hugged her tightly. When my gaze fell to Mrs. Brody and smiled and said, "My son is lucky to have met you."

Aunt Becky looked into my eyes intently and asked me, "Are you ready for this, Melanie?"

I nodded eagerly. "More than ever."


We were instantly attacked the moment we arrived at the Department of Mysteries. I managed to fight off the ones that attacked me but soon found myself separated in an isolated hallway.

Melanie Rosen: Year 5 (A Harry Potter Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now