Chapter 20 (Oh my gosh! 20 really bad chapters!) *EDITED*

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It took a little while to get to dance as there was a bit of traffic but we still made it just in time. I had only just walked into the dancers den and greeted everyone, including Nick who was there, before Abby walked out of the studio and told us to get our butts in there. We didn't need to line up again as there was no pyramid so we all kind of jogged in, in a messy fashion. Classy right?

Walking in, I saw that the yellow and red mats were stacked up against the back wall and the mums had already taken their seats in the room above the studio, where they had a clear view of us. Getting into place, we started stretching again with me in the back row.

"Alright girls that's enough. Today when you are on your break you are going to go to your classes," Abby's loud voice announced making me jump slightly at the disturbance of the silence. Turning to me, she started talking. "Taylor, I'm going to have Brooke take you to all of your classes and when she's busy Nick will take you."

I nodded in response before Abby announced that we were going to practice the group dance again. Last night we made quiet a few changes to the dance. We changed the entrance so that Brooke came out first and Nick was dancing with her but when she was being distracted by the other girls, he was supposed to spot me. Then he would start to dance with me and we would fall in love. Then the dance went on with Brooke and I fighting over Nick and the girls trying to separate us.

We started the dance again and I waited until my cue to come out and for Nick to start dancing with me. It was kind of awkward to be dancing this close and acting so lovey dovey with Nick but this is what you have to do to be a dancer I guess.

It was coming up to the point in the dance where Nick was lift me up and spin around. It was an awkward kind of lift as I didn't really trust Nick and I was uncomfortable with the way that I was being lifted. Nick had his hands on both side of my stomach and I bet that he could feel how squishy I was. I wanted to apologise to him for it but if I did then he might not have noticed before I mentioned it and that would make it more awkward between us. We were getting pretty close to each other yesterday but that didn't really mean anything. It was really just a requirement but I think that we could become friends.

Miss Abby finally gave us a water break but she wanted to work on the trio next. Quickly, we all hurried into the dancers den desperate for a drink. What I hated about me is that whenever I would exercise even just a little bit, my face would go really red. With me not being skinny, it made me look really unhealthy. Almost like I was obese and needed to lose weight. I was pretty healthy but not skinny. I had muscles and flab. Flabs of steel.

Looking into the mirror that was on the wall in the den I inspected my face to see how red it was. Thankfully, my cheeks were just a little flushed and other than that I looked fine. I took a seat on the bench next to the mirror with my water bottle and Brooke came and sat next to me. "It's kind of weird how we have to act all lovey dovey with Nick isn't it? I mean I don't like him like that and it's just weird."

Nodding slowly I replied with a simple, slightly out of breath answer. "Yeah, but I guess that is just what you have to do to be a dancer. It's probably the same for actors and actress'."

"Yeah but it doesn't make it any less weird."

"Yeah it's still pretty weird." I agreed still drinking out of my water bottle and trying to make my breathing less noticeable. We just sat there silently for a few seconds before Brooke nudged me with her shoulder with a playful smile on her face. "So," She dragged out. "How's it going between you and lover boy?"

Rolling my eyes playfully and trying to fight off the blush that was trying to come to the surface of my cheeks, I replied back quite hastily. "His name is Nick," I dropped down to a mutter for the next part. "And we're actually going pretty good. My parents want to meet him and his parents before we go on out date though."

Brooke just laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into her. "Welcome to the world of dating my dear friend. (AN/ I just tried writing friend like 3 times and I kept on writing fried)

Laughing, I shrugged off her arm and stood up seeing that Paige and Maddie were heading into the studio. "Hey, I got to go now. See you later."

"Yeah, see ya. I'll come back here after you've finished and take you to the rest of your classes." She said shrugging it off with a carefree attitude

"Hey," I pondered when I was halfway to the door. "How will you know when I'm finished?"

Laughing slightly she said as a reply before she flashed me a smile and left. "I'll hear the shouts." Laughing quietly to myself I ran after Paige who was only just stepping into the studio.

"Okay girls, I've thought about this and realised what's been wrong with this. I'm making Maddie do all of the work and for this to be a winning piece, I need to make it fairly even. Now let me teach you the dance again." Abby said signalling for us to get into the positions.

We started the dance with me and Maddie following Paige before we started to lure her in. This time we were practicing with the music and when we got to the very end we had lured Paige off of the stage and at the very end there was a scream. The dance is really hard to pull off and I'm praying that we can pull it off when we get to the competition.

When Abby dismissed us, she told me that we would be rehearsing my solo next. What fun!

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