Chapter 19 *EDITED*

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(First time using the app! Bear with me! IT DIDN'T SAVE WHAT I WROTE AND I HAD TO START AGAIN!!!!!!!!! WHY DOES THIS APP HATE ME??????!)

I heard the sound of a car pulling out of our driveway, telling me that Mum, Dad and Caitlin were leaving. 'What to do now?' I thought. 'Oh, lets practice my dances.'

Walking downstairs with my iPod, I started searching for a song that would go with the dance for the trio. How did I do that? Well, I searched up creepy songs on youtube.

I moved some of the stuff and boxes that were downstairs to the side before getting into my position. The music started playing and I went through the steps of the trio. I got about a quarter of the way through before stopping abruptly after realising that I didn't stretch. Safety first.

I stopped the music and started doing the stretches that we did yesterday at dance. I started the music again and got into my position. I was dancing my routine again but it didn't feel right without everyone else. I stopped dancing once I was done and got into the starting position for the group number. I started dancing but marked some of my parts -like the ariels- as there wasn't enough room.

I ran through each of them a few more times before getting bored. I searched Demi Lovato's song, Nightingale. I waited for it to load and start before getting into a random position and starting to do movements and tricks that I saw fit. I also used the emotions that I thought would fit. This is why I love dancing, the way that you can make a simple song, that's already a piece of art and add another piece of art to make it into a masterpiece.

After dancing to that, I searched Flo Rida ft Sia's song, Wild Ones. I love dancing to the song because it was the perfect way to combine hip hop and what we do at dance. I started dancing but once the song stopped I put everything back into its spot and walked upstairs.

Laying down on the long lounge, I turned on the TV. It was on the same channel as this morning but was showing an infomercial. Flicking through the channels I tried to see if there was anything that I would like to watch. Seeing nothing, I turned to Disney Channel that was showing a movie that I haven't seen before, Zapped. I started watching it and it was pretty good. They must've been playing a movie marathon as there were a few more movies being played. I watched a few before it was 2pm and decided to get changed and ready for dance.

Walking to my room, I picked out a dark blue one piece dance piece with a pair of the same colour shorts. The shorts were the same colour but had a small pink strip that went around the top of the shorts. Brushing my hair again, I put it into a bun but there was a small bit that was sticking out. It was so annoying and I had to do it again. My hair is a lot harder to do as it is so curly and thick. Putting it into the bun again took a lot longer than the last time as I was trying to make it look really good. Walking into the bathroom that was just down the hallway with my make up bag, I started with the foundation. I hated having to put on the make up because it usually will be sweated off but because of the cameras and how they were filming everything, we had to wear it because of the lighting. It also made me feel better to know that I didn't look like complete poo on camera.

I was just finishing putting on my mascara when I heard our car pull into the driveway. I ran into my room after finishing up and realising now that it was 2:45. Mum, Dad and Caitlin entered the house not too long after they pulled in.

"Hello! We're home!" I heard Mum shout from the living room.

"Yeah, I noticed!" I said emerging from my room into the living room with my dance bag slung around my shoulders. "You ready to go, Mum?"

"Yes, just let me do something really quickly. Go wait in the car, I'll be there soon." Mum went off to go do something after saying that and I grabbed the keys for the car. Hopping into the car, I put my dance bag in the backseat before sitting in the passenger side. We had to buy a new car which was weird since the drivers seat was on the different side of the car. I can't tell you how many times I've mucked it up.

Finally Mum came and hopped into the drivers seat. "Alright, off to dance we go."

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