That Faint Guilt Deep Down

Start from the beginning

"Sesshomaru what are you doing?" I hear Naraku ask from behind us.

"I'll be taking her with me to somewhere quiet." Sesshomaru simply replies.

Where are we going.." I start to ask him.

"Hold on." He suddenly says.

The next thing I know I feel my legs slip out from under me and I feel my legs lift in the air, Sesshomaru has scooped me up without my knowledge. I was taken by surprise that I let out a sharp gasp, my arms instinctively hold onto his neck, his long hair brushes against my arm and it tickles, his face is just mere centimetres away from mine that I can feel his breath. For a second, his amber eyes flickers to mine. Without another second later, Sesshomaru jumps into the air. I close my eyes as I feel gravity trying to pull me down, the wind picks up.

"_________!" I hear Naraku's voice becoming faint as he calls my name.

I open my eyes and look down to see Naraku looking up at us, Miroku and Inuyasha both has a hand on his shoulder preventing him from following after us. My hair flies around me as Sesshomaru glides through the air, not long, the flower field is gone.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Somewhere where the nature creates sounds." He replies.

Somewhere where the nature creates sounds? Where could that be? I didn't ask him, instead, I just held onto him and let him take us to this place. A few minutes of being in the air, we finally arrive to the place that Sesshomaru said that created sounds of nature. My eyes opens wide as I see the beauty of the place, Sesshomaru descends onto the sandy ground, and he lowers me down gently, my feet touches the ground and the crunching sound fills my ears. I unwrap my arms from around his neck and I look out to the beautiful horizon, The smell of salt water fills my nose and the sound of crashing waves move in unison in a rhythmic form, Sesshomaru took us to the sea. The afternoon sunlight fills my eyes and I squint at the reflective surface, the sea's wind blows my hair around me. I smile at the beauty of this place.

"Why did you take me here?" I ask him.

"Because I wanted to come here." He answers.

"You wanted to come here but you took me with you?" I ask him again confused.

"Yes. With all those people talking and forcing their words into your ears, I assumed some piece and quiet would have been nice for you." He adds walking towards a grassy part on the beach.

I look out again, the surface of the water shimmers underneath the sun. I smile at the beauty of it all, I then turn around and sit beside Sesshomaru who has sat down on the soft grass.

"I suppose I needed to get some fresh air a little. It feels refreshing." I say closing my eyes and taking in the moment.

"Good." He responds.

I nod and I look out again, seagulls fly overhead and I listen to the soft crashes of the waves.

"Uhm Sesshomaru, do you know that Naraku person?" I ask him after a few second of quietness.

"Yes." He replies.

"Who is he? And how does he know me?" I ask him.

"Do you hate him?" He counter questions me.

I look at him, surprised by the question. His amber eyes turns to me and gazes into mine. His eyes are beautiful to look at, they seem to hold so much within them despite being so beautiful.

"No... I don't hate him, I don't even know him. I guess I was just surprised and shocked when he kissed me out of the blue, who is he to you?" I ask him.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now