"To the King!!!" Dwalin hollered as they all closed in around him. Thranduil knew he'd be alright, at least for now.

His goal was to remain as close to Lúthien as physically possible. Yes she was in the air, attempting to scorch the enemy to the ground, but Thranduil held a false sense of security by thinking that if anything were to happen to her that he'd instantly be by her side.

She and Abraxsis flew overhead, fire shooting from within his terrifying jaws. Thranduil saw her shoot arrow after arrow, the ground shooting up into the sky. He knew she'd run out eventually and wondered what else Lúthien would force her magic to do.

He had to look away as an orc approached his mount. Thranduil slew the piece of filth easily, but more came charging toward them, too many to count. Too many to fight off alone. About a dozen of them grabbed on to his horse, it thrashed it's head and reared, attempting to get them off. It's efforts were in vain, Thranduil couldn't fight them in his own. Eventually his steed went down, and the orcs began piling on top of them.

Thorin wasn't too far away when he saw the ElvenKing go down. Immediately he alerted his kin and they all rushed to his aid. With their swords and axes he and his inner circle obliterated the orcs as Thranduil struggled to get them off his back. Once they were dead, Thorin held out his hand and helped the fellow King to his feet.

Though they didn't say anything, the respect was there and it was something they both understood so words weren't necessary.

Unfortunately, Thranduil's mount didn't survive. He'd have to stay in his feet until the fighting was over or until he managed to find another ride. His thoughts immediately went to Lúthien. Where was she? Alive? It wouldn't have been difficult to find a giant fire breathing dragon in the sky. And it wasn't, but that wasn't the problem.

In the sky, there was this loud screeching. Not the roar of dragon or the fall of any bird. No. It was the screaming of giant bats from Dol Guldur. They were everywhere, almost completely blacking out the sun.

They'd go after anyone and anything. Lúthien and Abraxsis were the only ones in the sky, they were a large target.

"No." Thranduil breathed

Up in the air, Lúthien had noticed the swarm of bats, their screeching could have been heard from miles away. Disgusting creatures they were, she knew that killing them wouldn't be an easy task. But if there was a way she could get them away from the battle field....

"Abraxsis! We need to get them away from the Mountain!"

Thranduil could only watch in horror as she and Abraxsis were flying head on into the swarm of bats.

"On my signal, dive!" They were fast approaching, but still she gave no signal

"Don't do it Lúthien." Thranduil said


"She's taking on the entire swarm!" He yelled, momentarily grabbing Thorin's attention

"Steady!" They were almost there

"She's mad." Said Thorin


Lúthien grabbed the saddle as Abraxsis leaned down, tucking in his wings to gain speed. And they immediately began their attempt to draw away the swarm. The wind ripped at her hair, it was so strong it caused her eyes to water. The bats instantly followed, trying their best to devour their meal. Finally he released his wings, and they glided through the air, hoping their plan would work.

"Come on you pieces of shit!"

Even through most of them were following, they had too much speed. The bats weren't able to keep up and were beginning to attack those on the battlefield. The plan was failing.

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