Part Thirteen

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Coldness. Darkness. Pain. The only things Lúthien could feel, it began with simple beatings by Eris's men for he was too wasted to even hold a simple stick. They punched and kicked until she coughed up blood, yet she didn't resist.

They used their magic to drop the temperature in Lúthien's cell so that she'd be too weak to even consider making fire. She trembled and shivered like madman, yet she didn't resist.

They stripped away all of her clothing, leaving absolutely nothing. Then bound her hands and feet and hung her by her wrists to ceiling of her cell. Lúthien didn't resist.

The men took turns whipping her, marking up her beautiful skin with bloody lashes. One, two, three, four and so on. They continued until she couldn't count them anymore, but still Lúthien didn't resist.

When they dropped her on the floor and dumped ice cold water over her body, it stung her flesh wounds. She didn't resist.

She couldn't feel it when each man took a chance to slice a piece of her because she was numb. Completely and utterly numb, she didn't even acknowledge them. She refused to give them the satisfaction.

Lúthien could've chosen to let the dragon blood heal her wounds to even then she rejected its aid. She also could've attempted to fight back once removed her bindings, but she did not.

It had been almost two weeks of round the clock torture and Lúthien knew that Eris couldn't really step it up from there. Soon the beatings and the harassment became repetitive.

She lay there on the floor of her cell with ice beginning to grow absolutely everywhere. In her hair, her eyelashes, lips. A normal person would've been able to last this long, but Lúthien did notice that her fingers and toes were beginning to turn blue. Even still she didn't allow her new powers assist.

Later that day, Eris came to visit her. She didn't open her eyes when he walked through the door, nor did she move when knelt by here side and placed a blanket over her body.

"Are you ready to comply?" She slowly nodded in reply, for she was too cold to speak

Eris pried her frozen arms and legs from the floor and scooped her up, keeping the blanket over her body.

As he carried her back to her chambers, he thought about whether or not he should kill her. Eris figured since the dragon blood hadn't healed any of her wounds that maybe her body was beginning to reject it. That maybe his test had failed when in reality Lúthien learned to control it herself.

When he arrived at her chamber, there was a steamy bath waiting for her. Eris was quick to remove the blanket as her gently set her in the water. Slowly the frozen ice began to thaw and eventually some color returned to her cheeks.

"Eris?" She finally spoke after some time had passed


"The water is growing cold." Lúthien shivered

"I'll warm it up then." He simply looked at the water and it began to warm up again

"No, I think that you should come in here with me. They say skin to skin is the best way to truly keep a person warm."

"Is that so?" He figured he'd might as well have his way with Lúthien and kill her once he was finished

"I read it in a book once."

"Well if you read it, then it must be true." Eris began removing his clothes, Lúthien kept her eyes closed for she feared he'd be able to see the fire in her eyes.

Once he sat comfortably inside the basin, he pulled Lúthien by the arm so that she'd be closer to him. Eris's hands swiftly moved to her waist as he placed her on top of him. Once she was straddling him one palm traveled down to cup her rear. Despite feeling completely disgusted by it, she kept her composure. Lúthien couldn't afford to mess this up.

Back To You (Thranduil Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora