Part Three

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Rumor spread quickly of how Lúthien had put the King's life in danger, it was all that was spoken about within the palace. There wasn't a soul that was untouched by the horrific news brought about the free spirited child he had taken in. Although her intentions were great, she acted foolishly running off alone. Only but a child she was, Lúthien would soon pay the ultimate price for what she had done.

She had been ordered by the King to stay put in her room, for a week she remained, being watched over by Elros. Well aware of how cunning she was, he refused to let her slip out of his sight again. He knew how furious the King had been since the 'incident' and it was clear to everyone that she'd surely suffer, everyone except her. Lúthien's pure soul had been completely oblivious to the severity of her future suffering.

Though Lúthien knew fully well that Thranduil absolutely was furious with her, for she had angered him in the past. Everyone in the palace knew the King turned a blind eye wherever she'd falter, but this was different. This could not be so easily forgiven, not even by the Elven King himself.


However, though the King was still angry with Lúthien, it didn't make him care for her any less. The council was fully aware that she was only a child, but they intended to banish her for the kingdom completely. Their decision only made his stomach churn with frustration, he knew this wasn't going to be easy.

"We must banish the child!"

"She must understand the severity of her choices!"

"Lúthien is a foolish girl, you should never have brought her here."

"King Thranduil you have made a terrible decision keeping her in the Woodland Realm!"

All of their voices swam inside his mind, clashing with one another, burdening him with the most intolerable headache. The King's eye brows furrowed together as he pinched the bridge of his nose, he had an option. This decision was going to be a difficult one, something that even he would eventually have to come to terms with. Thranduil didn't like his idea anymore than anyone else's, but it was far better for Lúthien this way.

"You should have let her die that day!"

"SILENCE!" The young King bellowed, his voice sending a thundering echo throughout the council room, silencing everyone . Thranduil turned his head ever so slightly, glaring at the council members as he regained composure.

"You would have me leave an elven child out in the wilderness to die?" He said coldly, lifting his head in authority

"Answer me, councilman." He demanded, yet the elder remained silent

"I have given you an order." The King challenged now rising from his chair, towering over everyone else. And still the man refused to speak, no matter he'd say, he knew it would anger the King.

"Well then, if you're not going to speak, then I suppose your presence will no longer be needed here. You're dismissed." The King said waving his hand lazily in exhaustion.

The guards moved swiftly, picking up the councilman by the arms and dragging him out the tall wooden doors. Though he refused to leave at first, the eleven guards acted quickly by knocking him unconscious.

"Now then, let us continue." The King paused "I have a proposition." His voice now lowered with grief, for what he was about to say decided the future of his precious Lurielním. His little spirit.

"The girl will leave the Kingdom." He said placing his palms at the edges of the throne. "She will remain with a human couple that's well affiliated with the Royal Elven Families. They've served under this kingdom for many generations. There she will study and train as a lady in waiting, to be familiar with becoming a gentlewoman. She will also train to be forest guard, learning a variety of strategies and different styles of fighting." At this they began to murmur amongst themselves. " So that upon her return, she will join the forest guard and protect the very Kingdom she so nearly destroyed. I am certain that by that time, she will fully have learned her lesson."  The council members glanced at one another, talking with each other, nodding occasionally

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