"So what're we gonna do today?" John asks me.

I think for a moment. "I'm not sure. I was thinking that since we've been running around this entire trip that we could just chill here or at Racc's place and just play games and stuff."

Mason raises his eyebrows. "And bet?"

"No betting," I laugh. "If you guys wanna bet, don't bet me involved."

"Yo, F. Mind if I do a little vapey boy?" John asks, pulling a Juul out of his back pocket.

"Okay, first of all: My name is not F. Second of all: No, you know the rules."

"Aww, don't be such a b----."

"John, you know how I do things around here. Don't act so disappointed."

"But I am! Obviously I'm gonna be disappointed if I can't do the one thing that brings me joy and makes me feel cool and confident," he whines.

"Well, sorry. You're just gonna have to stoop down to my level for a few more days," I joke.

"Dang, I was really hoping to pick up some chicks while I was here, but now I'm gonna be stuck like this. Sexy as f---, but uncool."

"Join the motherf---ing club," Mason joins in.

The group laughs as I get up to grab my phone from my room. I enter my bedroom and grab my phone off of the nightstand. I have a few notifications from Twitter and Snapchat telling me I got a few snaps from people. Probably streaks, but I don't care about them. I ignore their messages and leave my room.

As I enter the hallway, I almost bump into someone. I look up and see Cam towering over my small figure.

"Sorry, but where's the bathroom?" He asks.

"Really Cam?" I sigh. He gives me a small, awkward smile. "It's down the hall, last door on your right."

"Thanks," he says. I begin to walk away, but a hnad drags me in the opposite direction.

Once we're right next to the bathroom, Cam stops.

"Cam, what is it? Is something wrong?" I ask, not even trying to hide the concern in my voice.

"No, nothing's wrong really. I just wanted to apologize for last night. What I said about you and Mason was rude and inconsiderate."

"It didn't bother me," I say. He cocks an eyebrow at me and I let out a short breath. "Okay, maybe it did, but I promise I'm fine now. I was just overwhelmed and tired, that's all."

"But did you think about what I said? I know I'm apologizing for saying it, but I was being totally serious. Every word of what I said was true, was it not?"

"I don't know, Cam. I really don't remember much of what you said because I was so tired."

He nods and slowly steps into the bathroom. He starts to close the door, but leaves it cracked a bit to stick his head out. "Hey, if you ever want to talk to me about it, let me know. It's not like I have anything else to do anyway."

"What about your channel?"

"What channel?"

I open my mouth to remind him about the Youtube channel that made him famous and stuff until I realize that he's joking. I wave a hand awkwardly at him to tell him to use the bathroom and he laughs at me.

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