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A rapid knocking on my bedroom door interrupts my sleep. I groan and roll over to check my small clock on my night stand. It reads 5:30.

I've been sleeping for about 10 and a half hours, which isn't bad, but I definitely could've gone for 12 or 13.

I roll off the mattress and slip a plain black hoodie on over my white t-shirt. Once I reach the door, I can hear voices outside.

I open the door to see Matt, Mason, and Koby standing patiently at the door.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"There's someone at the door," Mason tells me.

"You guys kill me..."

I shove them out of the way and head to the door. I reach for the handle and yank the door open.

A tall figure stands at the door wearing a suit and tie. His slick black hair and stern expression make me a bit worried about what he's here for.

"Are you Fawn Grey?" His deep voice sends me into a pit of anxiety.

I swallow. "Yes, may I ask who's asking?"

"I'm here on behalf of my client. He has been falsely accused of many crimes and charged for allegedly sexually assaulting young women," he explains.

There's only two people I can think of that did that.

"May I ask for the name of your client?" I say carefully.

"That's not important. He was sent to jail for this crime a few weeks ago and I need your help. I believe that you were one of his victims."

"Okay, this has got to be a joke. Aren't I supposed to get a call or something for this kind of stuff?"

"I prefer to be face-to-face."

I shiver from the breeze that comes in. His black hair remains unbothered.

"I'm sorry, but until you give me a solid reason as to why I should help you, the answer's gonna be no," I say bravely.

He nods. His mouth tightens into a thin line. "Very well. I'm sorry for disturbing you and your husband. Have a wonderful day."

He walks away and I shut the door. I turn around and see the same three boys standing there.

"What are you looking at?" I say.

"What'd he want?" Matt asks.

I can't really get mad at Matt since it's Matt, so I say, "Just some guy wanting to talk to me about helping a criminal who was 'falsely' accused of sexually harassment and stuff like that."

"So you think it was him?"

"I don't know who else he could've been talking about," I lie. There's one more person, but I don't tell them. They don't need to know about him yet.

"Who's him?" Koby interrupts.

I let out a breath of relief. At least that gives me an excuse to dismiss this sensitive subject. "I'll explain later, but right now I need some coffee. Anyone else?"


8 o'clock rolls around soon enough and the boys on the couches slowly wake up to me and the others playing Monopoly at the kitchen table. They came over and we made teams so that they could join in on the "fun".

Cam and I ended up winning with only 5 million dollars left. Cam made a stupid joke about being able to give a dollar to each one of his subs with some leftover to buy himself a Tesla. I then chose to kick him off the team and keep all of the play money to myself. He cries and moans in the corner, but we all sit and laugh at his immature behavior.

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