()()- Flapping Bird -()()

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It's kind of funny
It felt like nothing
Just springing out to go on a journey
For no reason
Other than happiness

I could be free
And chase the edge of the atmosphere
Maybe I didn't get very far
Or do anything extravagant
It's still a journey
I went on
For the sake of happy

it doesn't feel that way anymore
When I left
I left not thinking
And came thinking about it all
Because I had memories to treasure for a lifetime

I loved myself for it
Grasping an opportunity
To fly
And truly flying

And I can still here the music that played in my ears as I flew

It was a short and simple flight
At the time
But why does it only feel like now
That flight was everything that was right
And that it was the best thing I ever did
Or ever could do

What feels like my best moment now
Was a whim then

It's because my happiness got old and stale

As time went on
I remembered it more and more
More and more compared to what it actually was

I longed to do it again
But I knew it wouldn't be the same
Because I'm no longer free

I trapped myself in a mind cage
That was built over time
From my failures to live like I used to
And now is an ever growing nostalgia
To fly again


Every time I try
I can't feel the breeze
I can't join the wind
I can't gaze at the scenery
I flap vigorously
And then I drop


Nothing is ever like it used to be
Except for one thing

The music.
The music I hear when I fly is the same song
The same tune of hope and wisdom
Same melody and chords from years ago

Except now it sings a song of failing
Of stolen memories
Of things I can never get back

I will keep flapping as hard as I can
To break free
And join the wind

But as time goes on the cage gets stronger
And thicker
And darker in here

And I'm more and more isolated

Hidden Aniyah (10)Where stories live. Discover now