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so au where Keith has a disease and he only has so much time to live and theres nothing he can do about it so he just isolates himself from the world so he doesn't get attached to anyone and he doesn't want to fall in love because hes afraid of them losing him andbeing sad. He has to go to the doctor once a month to get some sort of prescription that ust kind of holds off the side effects for a bit longer, Lance turns out to be his new doctor and sees him every time he comes to his appointments and he starts to fall in love with him. Keith finally tells him that he hasn't been taking his medicine because he wants to go sooner and get it over with. Lance decides to be one of those "home" doctors, yknow? to make sure Keith is taking the medicine and they fall in love and stuff and he becomes really depressed when it gets closer and closer to the end of keiths time so he wants to make the best of the time they have together and when hes dying, Lance is laying with him and overdoses so he dies in his sleep so they could be together

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