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“My ship went down

In a sea of sound.

When I woke up alone I had everything:

A handful of moments I wished I could change

And a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade.”

-All Time Low, Therapy

Facing Jude is a therapist. The therapist asks Jude if she knew that Adam was depressed. Jude shakes her head. Her mouth stays shut. She’s afraid that if she does try to speak, she will break down and start crying. She never wanted to see a therapist, but her mom had insisted.


Jude stays silent.


She sticks an ear-bud in one ear.

“Jude, can you answer me at least one question?”


“Did Adam ever tell you if he was thinking of killing himself?”

Jude opens her mouth to say no, but all that comes out is a sob.

He never told me. I never asked. It’s all my fault.

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