The Royal Season's Special Paradise

Start from the beginning

"What on earth did you do!?" Akina yelled

"Oh they're perfectly fine, for now." Duchess Heist smiled eerily "they're in their paradise"

With a strong conviction to save them, the four girls split off into different directions to find their Tomerunda's. Racing fast, Shirana was quick to identify Flake's monster roaming around. Jumping up, she stood in front of her with her usual calm demeanor.

"Come on Flake..." she held out her hand slowly.

Finally reaching her forehead, she entered her paradise. Looking around, Shirana gave a cute smile. How typical of her. It was still Chanzon but it was a beautiful cold white wonderland. Everything looked so peaceful and calm, as if nothing could destroy that peace. Her eyes scanning the area, she could see Flake busy making a snowman. Curious as to what her paradise could be, Shirana stepped closer.

"There, and this snowman will be Forte" Flake giggled to herself

"Flake! Time for dinner!" a voice called out

Following Flake, Shirana found herself in the warmth of the castle. The Royal children had gathered in the dining hall for dinner along with their parents who sat on either sides of the long table. All seated and ready to eat, Flake was the last one to arrive.

"You okay?" Forte asked

"Yep!" Flake giggled "I'm just going to go wash my hands!"

Shirana raised a brow, still wondering what her paradise was.

"Good girl!" Queen Azure exclaimed "you can do it all by yourself!"

"Of course I can!" Flake nodded with her cheeks puffed up "I can do it so you don't have to help me!"

"Help her?" Shirana thought

Flake was the youngest princess and still was a child. Unlike Spring, Sparkle and Forte, Flake was often left behind. This was her paradise. A paradise where she wasn't a burden on others, a place where she could stick up for herself without anybody having to baby her. It was all hard for Shirana to understand, after all, Shirana was the oldest in her family and actually a mother figure to the younger ones. But then again, like Flake, she just didn't want to be a burden for anybody.

Leaving the paradise, Shirana looked at the Tomerunda eye to eye. Giving her normal reassuring smile she sighed.

"Flake." she called out softly "come on dear, you are not a burden to anyone. Not to your parents, your siblings, your friends or to me."

The monster growling softly, Shirana continued to talk to her.

"The color white symbolises purity and that's what you are. You are everything to us, you aren't a burden. You're so positive, optimistic, adorable, the cutest lover of chocolate, will do anything to help your siblings and I don't know anybody who can do a better job at being the Princess of Winter." Taking a deep breath, Shirana smiled "so let's go."

As if a trigger came back on in her, Shirana felt her Nacharm return to her. Grinning from ear to ear, she turned around and found Flake in fairy form zooming towards her.

"Shirana! ~fure" Flake yelped as it dived into her

"Oh Flake!" squeezing her tight, she never wanted to let her go.

Meanwhile, Asahi had managed to enter Sparkle's paradise. She could see Sparkle dancing around the ballroom making her siblings burst into fits of laughter. Her eyes tinkled in the sunlight every time she smiled making Asahi grin. They were much more similar than she thought they were. They both wanted to make everyone around them smile.

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