Smirking I replied. " Is it the same kind of Meeting you took me a week before?".

Clearing her throat she said. " No, sir the usual. The meeting that is scheduled in beach .. I mean beach side restaurant. "

" Oh I see.. what will I get in return?" I teased her.

" Sir! Everything is prepared Cabir sir has taken care of everything , Mr. Shinchanahimoto will be waiting there at sharp 10 ."

I frowned" what a weird name! Will we be having dinner?" I asked wanting to stretch the conversation.

" I am afraid not sir, it will be late then." She said thoughtfully.

" Then cancel it. " I said in a bored tone .

" Noh! I mean it's impossible sir , you... We just have to sign the papers and seal the deal today." She stubbled but kept her tone pointed ,
someone was sure infront of her so I took the chance to tease her more.

" Seal it With a kiss?" As soon as I asked she started coughing. Shaking my head I told her a swift okay and disconnected the call..

Placing my phone back on my pocket I handed over the luggage to my driver. Opening the door of the backseat I was about to get in when I saw something that shook me from the core.

There she was right in front of my eyes standing in the arms of another man ! The women who made me the way I am today. The destructor of my dreams the destructor of my family. The murderer!

Her eyes met mine and showed a sign of recognition. But her every gestures were as fake as she was.

All my past started replaying infront of my eyes. Her betrayal, her evil plots ,everything. I took long breaths to control the rage that was building inside . It triggered my hatred that was subside long inside.

If only I could kill her right now.
Just because of her promise I am stuck !

Seeing her smile at me got my blood boiled .

As soon as she started walking towards me .
My hand started trembling as I frozed on the spot then and there . My breath came out as a hollow pant . I gulped down the lump in my throat and closed my eyes. I knew I was having the the symptoms of the attack but I had to control myself. I was in public . Searching for the pills in my suit pocket I instantly gulped one .

Getting inside the car ! I panted frequently. Gulping down some water as the pill started working I leaned and closed my eyes while heaving a long sigh .

The eyes which tore you can be filled with smile , to endure it one must be strong .
But maybe I am not that strong!
To see her happy after all the things she did to us!

As soon as I reach the mansion , I went inside and locked the room. My breathing was still heavy and my head was showing flashes of past that I want to forgot a long ago.

Taking two pills I gulped it down with some whiskey , the liquid burned my throat but I felt a little peace after the alcohol started reacting.
Heaving a sigh . I closed my eyes for a while .

"I am sorry Manik! " His words echoed making my eyes wide open .

" Promise me , you will not do anything to her !. " her words rang but I was only seeing dark corner of the room with nothing but hollowness as if reflecting my life infront of me.

" I can't live without her ! "I saw him, He was in pain, I wanted to comfort him but he vanished into the thin air .

From the corner she appeared smiling while she raised her palm lovingly.
"You are my star!" Her palm which always stroke my hairs vanished along with her beautiful face .

I closed my ears with my palms !

"Stop it." I shouted but the voice inside was hammering my mind and my soul. I threw whatever I found near me to stop those voice but failed desperately as they rang repeatedly in my ears .

I found myself trembling again ,I searched for the pills again , taking out two or three I shoved it in my mouth gulping it forcefully with the whiskey.

Hugging my knees I desperately waited for the pills to work while trying to breath properly at the same time . Flashes of her face stumble near me , as my eyes became heavy , her pained and loving face was the last thing I saw before I slipped into unconsciousnes.


Hey guys!

I hope you like the part .

What do you think about that woman ?

Share your views and do vote , comment and share with your reading circle.

Till next time !
Paro .

[You can follow me on my Instagram account @thequillz_ ( link in bio ) for teaser and notification of future updates.. ]

You can also check my other works .

● The man I dream of.

● Beneath my skin.

● Alpha male.

● My Poetries

PS: More views & comments = Early update.

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