•12:hurricane season•

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"Well what am I supposed to do."
"I just started dating you and I don't want you to die," [y/n] starts as she picks up the remote and flops on the bed "So let's watch the news, they'll tell us what to do."
"The weather is getting worse, we advice everyone to stay in doors, if outside seek shelter."
All of a sudden Matt got a phone call.
"Hey mom! Yeah I'm fine. I'm at [y/n]'s, yeah she's fine too. Take care of banana! Love you to bye!" He smiles at [y/n], the two getting lost in each other's eyes until,
Brring! Brring!
She picks up her phone.
"Holy fuck Troy, thanks for ruining the moment. I'm not putting you on speaker. Fuck off. Ok."
She sets the phone down.
"Hey Matt."
"Hey Troy!"
"Are y'all safe?"
"Yeah, Us and the cats."
"Cats? Last time I checked you only mothered one."
"Yeah about that I'm mothering two now. I send you a picture later, love you bye."
"Love you too, later Matt."

Matt and [y/n] go to the linen closet on the second floor to grab Matt some extra blankets.
"[y/n] I know your boyfriend is sleeping over, so keep the funny business quite, some of us need to sleep." Her dad said peaking his head out of her parents room.
"Whatever, Love you!"
"Love you too."
Matt and [y/n] walk back up stairs and throw the extra blankets and pillows on the floor in front of her tv.
"Oh shit."
"What Matt?"
"I have extra clothes but they're in my trunk."
The two teens run out into the rain, both with separate umbrellas. Matt with a black one and [y/n] with a a kids frog umbrella. Matt's long legs make it to the car first as he starts fumbling with the keys, the rain making it harder to turn it.
[y/n] catches up laughing as the rain sinks into her flip flops. Matt grabs a small grocery bag full of clothes before he shuts his trunk.
One hand holds the bag, as the other grips [y/n]'s small hand. The two run back inside.(At [y/n]'s pace of course.)
She shuts the door behind them as she goes to the laundry room to get towels, Matt was working on closing the second umbrella as he felt something soft hit his head.
"I'm not letting you go up to my room sopping wet, damp is ok though."
The two take a few minutes rubbing the towels on them so they can dry off a little bit.
[y/n] throws the towels in the laundry basket before taking Matt's hand to head up stairs.
"Get changed in the bathroom I'll get changed here." The girl pushes Matt into the bathroom with his bag of clothes.
[y/n] changes into her pajama shorts, putting a long white t-shirt on as well. She opens s cabinet and gets out a bag of the bite size Reese's.
Matt pokes his head out of the bathroom door, eyes shut.
"Are you done changing."
"Mhmmh" She says mouth full of candy.
Matt plops down next to [y/n] shoving his hand into the bag of Reese's she had.
"Hey dumb ass! Did I say you could have some?"
Matt laughs throwing one at her.
"What do you wanna watch. I got all of the superhero movies, uhh adventure time..." she goes on and one until she brings up her favorite movie, Tangled.
"Tangled, I love this movie!"
"Tangled it is."
She squeals before grabbing a fuzzy blanket off of her bed before sitting down next to Matt, handing him some of the blanket.
  [y/n] and Matt were snuggling together because her room was freezing "that's how I like it." She said.
  Matt had his arm around [y/n] which he didn't know how it ended up there but it didn't really matter.
[y/n]'s head was resting on Matt shoulder, and the two cats found their way onto the couch as well, one resting in each humans lap. Matt's other hand reached for Bucky, scratching the kitten behind his ear.
After awhile the boat scene (and probably one of the most Romantic scenes in the movie)came on, the cats found their way back to their bed and Matt and [y/n] were full on cuddling.
"This is my favorite scene, the two find out they're are in love with each other and they light a lantern in the middle of the weird body of water their on, and then it leads into the sad part of the movie." [y/n] sighs.
The song of the scene starts playing, [y/n] and Matt look into each other's eyes,
And at last I see the light...

Matt leans in first, [y/n] finishing the small distances in between their lips.
They kiss.
   ...And it's like the sky is new!

The scarlet scholarOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz