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Waking up for [y/n] is like any other high school senior waking up on a school day. Parents telling her twice to wake up, not wanting to get up from the warm cocoon that is her blankets, finally decided to get up. And Of course not knowing what to wear.
Yes [y/n] knew she had to dress kind of nicely because of her job, no super short shorts or skirts, no crop tops that showed her bra, but otherwise, she was home free with what ever she wanted to wear.
She finally decided on a pink long sleeved cropped shirt, black ripped jeans, with pink fish nets under and adding her customized light pink high topped vans.
Texting Troy that she was in her way she walked down the stairs kissing her parents good bye.
Getting in her car and turning on  the playlist she always listens to humming to the catchy song that came on.

It was about 7:09 when she picked up Troy. They usually go to the small coffee shop on the edge of their district to stare at the other art students it's fun because the other school Great mountain high, has a lower budget for their art programs, while Rosetta has great and equal funding for their sports and art programs. Seeing the art students with shitty water color, and bad water color paper that slightly rips when you put a little to much paint on it is funny to Troy and [y/n]. Privilege is scary sometimes.

Getting their usual coffees they head out to [y/n]'s car.
"Nothing like a coffee from Rosemaries in the morning." Troy takes a sip of his piping hot coffee, as [y/n] takes a sip of her frozen coffee. "You know it's gonna get to cold for frozen coffee one of these days."
"Shut up Troy! It's never to cold for this just like it's never to hot for regular coffee dumb ass."

Rewinding a few hours at the Watson residence, Matt wakes up to his sister flicking off and on the lights. "Get up Matt!" She screams "we got those extra thick waffles you like." He got up petting banana who was right next to his bed. Unplugging his phone the time was 7:10. Rubbing his sleepy eyes he gets up to put on his usual light blue baggy jeans with the legs still rolled up, he picks some long white socks and some old sneakers. And a red shirt.
Walking down stairs to grab some waffles, he then trotted back up stairs to tend to his town in animal crossing.

Around 7: 20 he left to get to school.
After getting there around two minutes before the bell rang because FUCKING TRAFFic. Rushing to his class right as the clock hit 7:35 perfect.
  [y/n] was in the parking lot by 7:20, getting out of the car and getting a nice breeze as Troy opened the back doors to get their backpacks out.
    "Pretty in pink aren't we?" Troy asks. She laughs as she takes her back pack from Troy as they start walking up to the front of the school. "Ill see you-" Troy looks at his watch "in five hours" he smiles as they split ways."
[y/n] finished most of her credits in the first three years of high school, now she just takes math, English, and science for credits, and French 4 but then after those four 45 minute classes she still has two hours where she just sits in the art room working on painting here and there, and running errands for her favorite teachers. Matt the same, well kind of. He takes the core classes he needs left and spends the rest of his time at the school in the computer lab.

Around 10:50 [y/n] is in the art room. After talking to her art teacher about something dumb. She sits down to try to come up with ideas for a painting.
"So how's the job going [y/n]?" Her other friend Taft scares her as he plops beside her.
  "Jesus Taft I told you don't freakin scare me like that. This painting is very important to me." She says as she erased the stray line Taft made her draw.
"Sooo Troy told me about this Matt guy!"  He grabs the girls shoulders. She rolled her eyes and mumbled something along the lines of 'fucking loser', before changing the conversation.
   Before she knew it, it was 11:25 and she was standing up and cleaning ups her mess she said goodbye to the art teacher before heading down the hall to catch Troy helping their favorite history teacher out, with a small class of freshman.
   [y/n] stumbled in putting her stuff down on the desk that troys stuff was thrown on. Before grabbing papers from the students and handing them to the teacher. As the bell rang, the freshman flooded out and [y/n] and Troy grabbed their thing to head out, meeting up with other seniors to walk down the hallways to their own cars to get to their own jobs.

A playlist plays silently in the background.
"How early do you think Matt's going to be?" Troy asked breaking the silence "he's defiantly  going to be standing in front. He doesn't have a key yet. Speak it of which."
  [y/n] holds up a key. The character k.k slider from animal crossing was on the front, in small painted detail, with a light yellow background on the background, on the other side of the key small bananas are scattered around the same pale yellow background. [y/n] designed the keys for her team well minus Isabel's
Troy's had a matte grey background with a suit and tie on it, as he loved wearing suits, and her's had Isabel from animals crossing with a light pink background. She took pride into making every detail right on the small keys.
"He loves animal crossing and his cats name is banana rambo."
"That's a fucking dumb name for a cat." Troy says.
[y/n] laughs in agreement."

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