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It was around 6:30 when they got to a small retro dinner on the outskirts of the city. The three sat in a small booth Ryan on one side Matt and [y/n] On the other.
Ryan ordered a plain cheese burger, Matt ordered a burger with everything on it and [y/n] ordered some chicken tenders.
"What food lion do you work at?" [y/n] asks sipping her chocolate milkshake.
"The one right by Rosetta."
"You graduated last year right?"
Ryan nods his head.
"Is that [y/n]?!"
"Oh shit who is that." [y/n] puts her head down but it's too late.
"Oh thank god it's you Taft." Taft sits down nexts to Ryan.
"Ok Matt, Ryan this is Taft. My best friend since the 8th grade." Matt and Ryan wave and Taft waves back
"OH SO THIS IS THE MA-" Taft starts
"Don't.you. Fucking. Dare." She stares at Taft anger in her eyes.

After a nice dinner the four head back to their cars, (Of course [y/n] doesn't go to her car) to head back home. The three males exchanged phone numbers, the four got along well. [y/n] eyes light up as she digs in her small bag and pulls out the sticker she bought earlier that day.
"You just got jojo swia-ed." She slapped the sticker on the roof above her.
"Oh shit my dad wants me to get some groceries." Matt laughs looking down at his phone." (He looked at his phone at a red light, and didn't answer back.)
"Fun! Can I come!" [y/n] asks with the excitement of a child.
"Yeah sure. Food lion?"

The two finally make it to food lion, Matt spots Ryan's car.
"Guess baby boy Ryan is working."
"How'd the hell did he get here before us." [y/n] asks as they walk into food lion.
"We took the back roads he took the highway."
"Oh, ok."
Walking into the store by the produce section, Matt grabbed a small cart, and drove it toward the fruit. Grabbing one bunch of bananas (not three as [y/n]'s family is much bigger than the Watson's. if the Watson house hold got three bunches, they would be wasting two bunches.)
    Grabbing apples and caramel, as well as some bags of lettuce and halos. On to the pasta, Matt grabs a few packs of microwaveable noddles, and a bunch of Mac and cheese.
    "That's a bunch of Mac and cheese. And here." [y/n] says handing him her chapstick. " your lips are STILL chapped."  Matt laughed at the throwback. Moving on to the chips, Matt grabs a few bags and some salsa.
   They also grabbed some cans of soda before moving on to the bakery.
    "No way!"
[y/n] runs up to the donut shelve thing.
   "They have sour cream chocolate donuts." She pushes her face against the glass like a little kid.
"Get one, I'll pay for it."
  Matt nods.
  She grabs one and plops it into the cart.
"[y/n]? Matt?"
Ryan walks up to the two.
"Hey guys, what's up."
"Getting some groceries with my man." [y/n] slaps Matt back and Ryan wiggles is eyebrows at Matt.
"Oh he's your man alright. Gotta get back to work. See you later."
[y/n] waves goodbye and Matt just laughs.

[y/n] insisted that she'd help Matt bring in and put away the groceries. Which she did, finally meeting Sam. And of course banana.
"Bro is this the famous banana Rambo." [y/n] pets bananas soft little head.
Then she waved goodbye as she promised she would see the cat again soon.
Matt then dropped her off, and she did her usual night time routine.

From Matthew:

Formal date banana To Matthew: fuck!  He's so cute! Tell him I love him 🥰🥰❤️💕From Matthew: what about me?To Matthew: ur cute too

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Formal date banana
To Matthew: fuck! He's so cute! Tell him I love him 🥰🥰❤️💕
From Matthew: what about me?
To Matthew: ur cute too.

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