Along came a Jasper

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Finally, I've reacted home after however long. Crap I totally forgot to call andy... See how Karter is doing. I picked my phone out of my bag to see a few text messages and missed phone calls. I stared at the phone thinking if now would be a good time to really call Andy. I mean it was at 10 pm. But before I got the chance to rethink it. His name popped up on my screen. Great now I have to pick up the call. 

"Hello, Venus! why weren't you picking up the phone when I was calling you!" He said calmly but very annoyed, but before I could reply. 

"I need to drop off Karter, I have work in the morning." He said so quick.

"Okay, that's totally fine," I replied back, I was lost for words. 

I'm here just come from the hospital, from passing out because of HIM! Not like he knows that... But still, he wants me to have Karter. I think he could tell I wasn't myself because before I knew it he then said. 

" I'm sorry, I've just been so worried Karter asked where you were, I didn't know what to say. I never got much from the guy that had called me, saying that you passed out and was going to the hospital.  By then I was told, I must pick up Karter. Then I never heard from you I was worried!" The tone in his voice had turned from anger to worry.

Worried for who you? Oh, crap I totally forgot about Jasper. I wonder what he's doing now, why he gave me his number, why he cared so much. 

" VENUS!!! are you hearing me at all." He deepens his voice down the phone.

 "Yes, I'm listening to you. My head is just a bit.... yes, I'm here, I'm safe, I'm home."

I couldn't talk it was like they were a block in my brain that was making it hard for me to say too much.

"I called you before I got the call. I wanted to talk to you about something, but I guess now isn't the right time to talk about this. It is late I will drop Karter off to school, in the morning. You can pick him up... If there is a change or something happens! please let me know, I will go get him." He finished off the conversation. 

All I heard was talk to you about something, but now isn't the time I guess

"That sounds okay to me..." I replied quickly before he felt like I wasn't listening, or I made it so obvious that I was getting lost in my own thoughts. 

As I pushed the button, to hang up I heard. 

'I'm always here to help you out if you're overdoing it.'

Well if you only knew it was you that was the one that made me get to where I am today. 

"Okay then." I said before putting the phone down.

I think I heard more than enough, if I never knew before I sure knew that Andy was a guy full of absolute shit. I went upstairs set my bath, and then my phone started to ring again. It was Lisa, how I wanted to tell her, but I just didn't want her to know it was because of what I saw earlier on, so I just let it ring out. I picked up my bag, my hand must have slipped before, I knew it everything fell to the ground. Clear it all up there was this ripped piece of paper. Maybe it was me, or maybe it was a sign. Jasper I was having this big problem remembering him I kept forgetting him, the big brown eyes, that daring voice and that sexual smile. NO, NO, NO!!!! I said to myself knowing what I was thinking wasn't right I couldn't, it would look so bad it's not even been so long after everything with Andy. Then again, he moved on so much he's now publishing it on Facebook. 

I picked up my phone and jotted in the number. I sat at the edge of my bed, feeling like a teenager all over again. Debating with myself and what I should write to him if he would think I'm needy, weird, or plain right nuts. I mean it wasn't a great first impression, passing out and him been the hero. Then again thinking about it, he was a very sexy hero and that's something that I could not deny. so thinking right now, what could I say to him through the text message. doing some deleting, editing and a lot of different starters I started with...

 "Hi Jasper, it's Venus. Just to say again thank you so much, for all your help today. I've been thinking about that coffee date maybe next week Fri.." NO! delete the last part, Venus, we don't want to sound too needy. Delete! now to send it. SEND!!! 

Okay as I went to put my phone on the side before going into the bath, I heard it ring I quickly picked it up to see it was JASPER!!! I answered the phone, but before I could say hi he went into the conversation.

"Venus not good with texting, so i though I'd call you. Hope you don't mind." He voice, breathing down the phone into my ear. 

"That's fine, I didn't want to call you at this time. So I texted you." I replied trying so hard to play it cool. I wonder if I was playing it cool. 

"So, how are you feeling?" He asked concerned all over again. 

To be honest I just wanted to forget the whole passing out. I mean it wasn't something that I wanted to hold on to. Defiantly not one of my most honourable moments. 

"Yeah, I'm good just about to get into the bath." I hope he's not picturing me in the shower now. I was trying so hard to change the subject, making him see more to me than just some girl that passes out. 

"Okay then, well I'm glad you've contacted me, Venus, I mean as I said the day never turned out so bad. I meet you... Well, I don't want your bath water getting cold on you now, so on that note, I will save your number and contact you in the morning to see how you are. Then when you are better we got that coffee date." He said finishing off the conversation so casual. 

It's like he's done something like this before. Picking up girls from the road that's passed out. Oh, my sorry rewind, did he just say coffee date? Play this one cool now Venus. 

"Well, I like the sound of that." I replied I didn't know what else to say. That was short and simple, plus the fact as well I didn't want to get my hopes up like He didn't know me! maybe he felt sorry for me.

"Okay then sweet dreams and talk to you in the morning," he said softly to me. 

"Okay then, talk tomorrow," I said my voice trembling to the tone I was getting from him.

Finally, the phone line was cut off, I grabbed my towel and placed my phone down. I sat there in the bath thinking of the picture I saw, was I crazy to still hold on to someone who never wanted me? why was I even still thinking about this picture? but most of all why was this Jasper guy so willing to take me out for coffee? I mean he never knew me and I did call him Andy... 

Who was he what does he do? Them brown eyes. I then snapped out of it and realised that I was thinking too deeply about it all and just needed to sleep it all off. I got out of the bath and dried and creamed myself up. I lay in bed playing the day's events in my head again. I was so scared to go on Facebook I knew I would see the picture. As I lay trying to close my eyes I promised myself tomorrow was another day and I had to leave Andy in the back of my mind. Jasper, I wasn't willing to take on anytime soon. or think about...    

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