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Dear Diary,

Pretty. Alluring. Gorgeous. Breathtaking. Exquisite. Eye-catching. Stunning. Striking. Dazzling. These are all words synonymous to the word 'beautiful'. But what is true beauty?

I've actually realised that beauty is in fact about a smile, your eyes and your hands and legs. But not in the way that I had thought before. I've now understood that your ability to make someone smile is beauty, the kindness in your eyes in beauty and using your hands and legs to help others is beauty. Beauty isn't about how good your body looks. It is instead about how much good you do with your body.

I always thought I was beautiful because everybody told me I was beautiful. But now I've realised that that beauty wasn't true beauty because it was only external. True beauty can be only be seen when someone (that includes you too) looks deep into your eyes and sees the soul you house inside. The colourful, shining soul that you hold inside you. It cannot always be seen by others easily but it is very important that you learn to see it. You should be able to look in the mirror at your reflection and see beyond the body you have. You should be able to stare right into your soul and appreciate the beauty it has because the heart might keep you alive but the soul enables you to live. The deepest things you experience, you experience by the soul. Bubbling happiness, crippling sorrow, wild excitement, shivery nerves, elevating pride, bitter envy, scorching hate and love.

Love. That one word has no definitions yet a thousand meanings. It is the most abstract yet most real thing in the world. It is the most confusing emotion yet it makes the most sense. It is so complicated yet so simple. It is built up of a million contradictions yet we all know what it means, even if we cannot quite put it into words. For some, it is like a winged bird, lifting them high up into the clouds and making them soar through the air. For some, it is like the very floor beneath them, grounding them and giving them the foundation for every other thing. For some, it is like a whirlwind of colour and sound tangling together to form fireworks. For some, it is like a gentle lullaby, making them feel so safe with its caressing musical notes. But one thing we can all agree upon is that it is the most important, wonderful and beautiful thing in the whole world.

Every soul is put into this world to give and receive love. Sometimes we forget that we also have to give our love to yourselves and receive it too. In the deepest part of our souls, we all crave love. We all yearn for a deep, meaningful, unconditional love. We all need someone who'll love us on our darkest nights and brightest days and every moment in between. But the first person to love you like that shouldn't be a lover or even a friend, it should be you. Your love and acceptance is the most important thing in your life. That is the love you need, the love you cannot and should not live without.

I love myself because I've finally realised that I'm beautifully me and that's all any of us can ever hope to be. I love every inch of my skin, every thought in my mind, every emotion in my heart and most importantly every part of my soul. I am not ashamed to say it and I do not think it makes me narcissistic at all. I know I'll love myself no matter what because I've now learnt that love that is not unconditional is not love at all. I know I've suffered through a lot of things and made a lot of mistakes and yes, I'm not proud of those, but if I never experienced those things I'd never have begun to love myself so completely and truly so I don't really regret them. I started this diary entry off with beauty so let me end with that. We each find different things beautiful, but the one thing that is the most beautiful is love. So don't be shy or afraid to give yourself a little of that exotic, rare, breath-stealing emotion because love is beautiful and so are you.

I am Tia Jade-Garcia and this is my self-love story.


Hey, reader!

This story is very close to my heart because a lot of the things I've written are my innermost thoughts and feelings. The plot itself has absolutely nothing in common with my life but the concept of self-love is one of the things that I believe in the most. I really do think it is the most important facet of your life. You, yes you, you really are beautiful even if it takes you some time to finally see it. So, don't you dare deprive yourself of your own love or else...Kidding! Mostly ;) Anyway, in all seriousness you are awesome so keep loving yourself no matter what anyone else says.

Thank you for reading. Comment or vote if you want to! I'd really appreciate it if you did. Hope you have a day as amazing as you are. Bye!

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