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A little chapter in the mind of Andy. What are your thoughts on this? Please comment and vote. I love you <3


Devil hasn't left my mind since she left this morning.

She seems so similar to Kylie. I loved her. But I had to leave her.

Kylie was my everything, it started off with me thinking of her as a sister but as we both got older, I started feeling differently towards her. She was more then a sister, but she'd never like me the same way. I was always her older brother figure since she didn't have siblings.

I flipped the page in the photo album I had under my bed and sighed at the next picture.

Kylie and I when I was 15 and she was 13. We were in our pajamas, well she was in one of my shirts and stretchy shorts, while I was shirtless and in plaid pajama bottoms. We were watching a movie and my mom took the picture without us knowing.

"Hey White Rabbit what's that?" I closed the book and shoved it under the pillow keeping my back to Juliet.

"Nothing DragonFly." I answered her.

"Okay, I believe you, but, you know you can tell me anything." She paused coming to sit beside me. "Right?"

"Of course." I turned my head and smiled at me. "I love you." She leaned over smiling and kissing me lightly.

"I love you too." It almost hurt to be doing this with Juliet. I felt like I was betraying Kylie in a way but I know I wasn't. I made a promise to myself to save myself for the right person, but really I was promising myself that I was saving myself for Kylie. So the Andy Biersack is still a virgin, saving my virginity to a girl I'd probably never see again. 

"Juliet I told you I can't do this." I stood up quickly when I felt her hand touch me through my jeans.

"But Andy, we've been dating forever! Why can't we take things to the next level!" She whined back.

"Because I want to wait until I find the person!"

"So you think I'm not the right person?!" She looked hurt.

"No that's not what I meant!" I facepalmed. I never say the right thing when I'm with her. With Kylie, I could say anything and she wouldn't get pissed. She'd tell me off maybe but that's Kylie, with Juliet she whines about every word I say.

No Andy stop comparing your girlfriend and the girl you left behind.

"Andy I'm leaving." I rolled my eyes and watched her leave my room. I groaned pulling my shirt off and changing my jeans into Batman PJ pants. I left my room and walked into the kitchen looking in the fridge for left over pizza.

"What happened to Juliet?" Ashley asked me. "She ran out of here really fast."

"She's mad cause I won't give her what she wants." I spat, grabbing the pizza box and setting it down on the counter.

"Why won't you just have sex with her?" He asked. "Make her happy."

"Then I won't be happy." I stated the obvious.

"Andy." I turned my head at hearing Jinxx call my name.


"What's that tattoo on your back, I've never noticed it until now." I sighed, gripping the counter.

"It's a water drop that says Always United." I whispered. Kylie and I got matching tattoos when she was 16, the day before I left. Hers was a flame that said Never Forgotten. Ya the pictures make no sense but it means something to us. She was the fire that started fights and I was the water that stopped them when they got out of hand.

It made sense to us so that's all that matters

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