Thirty Two.

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Next chapter will probably be the last chapter. NOT MAKING A SEQUEL.

Kylie's POV

5½ months later (Giant timeskip cuz why fucking not)

I was huge to say the least, being pregnant sucks. No. Being pregnant with twins sucks.

I'm 3 weeks overdue. I'm on strict bedredt by Kyle who prohibited me from doing anything that involved being on my feet.

A sharp pain ran through my stomach for the 5th time that hour.

"Kyle!" I screamed, feeling wetness between my legs. "Kyle!" He came running up the stairs.

"What's wrong?" He panted.

"They're coming." I gasped, grasping my stomach.

"Shit." He swore and lifted me up.

I had no idea how but he carried me down the stairs and into the car. Val and Moose followed behind him and climbed in the backseat.

"Someone call Andy." I gasped, holding onto the center console.

I heard Val talking on the phone trying to get in contact with Andy or any member of BVB.

"I can't get in contact!" Val told me.

"Try John!" I groaned.


Andy burst through the door of the hospital room, 4 hours later.

I held Nikki in my arms, Kyle was holding Andrea.

"Hey babe." I whispered, not wanting them to wake up.

"They're beautiful." Andy gasped, walking over to my bedside. "I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner." He apologized, and kissed my forehead.

"It's alright." I told him. "You're here now."

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