Case of A

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"Ms, you're here because?" The receptionist suspiciously stared at me.

"I work here, and I'm the girlfriend of the CEO," I stated proudly.

"Sir, your girlfriend is here." She buzzed his intercom.

"Tell her to come up." I got excited about hearing his voice.

"Sir, for your safety we need you to come here and see for yourself if this woman is, in fact, your girlfriend."

"Give her the mic."

"Of course." She handed the mic immediately wearing a scared face.

"Honey?" I held the mic to my lips.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Hi!" I gleefully said.

"Hey, I'm glad you came today. I'll be down in a second." He got off the intercom. I gave the mic back to the receptionist and she placed it back in its place.

"You got some documents for me?" I turned around and saw him. He looked very professional with his suit and glasses on.

"Yessir," I replied.

"Good, you have the write-ups due today. Let's discuss it in my office. Follow me." He walks to the elevator, and I follow behind.

"I hate the elevator."

"I know."

"Why'd we take it then?"

"You're wearing heels. I don't want you to get hurt." I kept silent for his reason. He was right.

"When you're suffering you don't like to admit it, it'd be hard for me to even tell. You're so good at hiding your feelings I still can't tell if you're mad or not."

"Good point." The elevator reached his office floor, and we got off.

We walked through the hallways and reached his office. He walked in front of me, and the bodyguards at his office opened the door. Once I took a step, they stopped me and pulled on my arm.

"Hey! Watch your hands." His voice resonated throughout the corridors.

"But, Sir-"

"You better let go of her. She's my lover." He sent them a death glare and instantly they apologized and removed their grip.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. We didn't mean to." They bowed their heads.

"No, it's alright. You guys didn't know." I smiled at them and looked at him. He rolled his eyes and continued to walk in his office. Wow, okay.

"Close the door and lock it." I walked in and followed his orders.

"Did you lock it?"


"Good." His lips curled into a smile and he pushed me down on his desk.

"What are you doing? We can't. Not here. They'll hear." I whispered in his ear.


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