Before Ash coulf find the words to answer there was a sudden sound of glass breaking and 'Dean' was no longer just standing there. He was being held by the shirt by some guy with a bunch of tattoos..

Castiel stood, because he could stop it, but Ash held him back, "Watch."

Why in the fucking name of jesus christ would Castiel want to watch?!!

"Are you blind or something??" The tattoo guy yelled loud enough to catch everyone's attention.

"No, I don't think so." Dean grinned and even if it did look great there on hims face, why would he do that? The tattoo guy was easily bigger than him and this might not end well.

"Well you owe me a new fucking drink then."
Dean frowned.
"You're the one who bumped into be first, Bud. I don't owe you shit. Now can you let go of my shirt, I'd say it was pretty expensive."

The man only growled and seemed to tighten his hold. "It ain't gonna be worth shit after I'm actually done with you."

Dean put his hands up, "Look. I don't want any trouble. Why don't you just let me go and we'll be fine."

"Not until you get me my new-"

"They literally cost like three dollars im sure you can buy you're own fucking drink."

"I don't give a fuck about how much it costs! You're going to get me a new drink or else I'll beat it out of-"

Castiel had never heard anyone who looked as big as the tattoo guy yell so high pitched in the history of everything, but it surpised everyone.
Dean had just brought his knee in contact with the guy's jewels. And oh did it seem like it really hurt.

The guy went down with a loud groan, but it didn't stop there. It really only seemed to make him angrier because in a few seconds the man was back on his feet, anger heating his face.

"Come on Snake, Let's Rattle." Dean Motioned for the guy and yes, the guy did run fully at Dean.

Castiel took out his cell and opened up his messages. He tapped on Charlie's contact and began to type,

"Come to Harvelle's bar. I'll have a package waiting for you."

The two men were now on the ground, rolling like children and Castiel definitely has seen better. At one point he noticed Dean end up on top, but before he could knock any sense of blow into that other guy, someone yelled,"COME ON, DON'T LET THAT WORM BEAT YOU. OWEN."

Dean lookes up, first mistake, because it gave the guy under his a chance to move fast and have Dead pinned under him.

One punch, two, and even three. That grin was stuck to this man's face.
Dean fisted 'Owen's' shit and bashed his head against the man's face, causing him to roll back.

Castiel had enough.

"Alright. That's enough."
He glanced between the two bloody men, but his eyes moved to Owen.
Owen was not happy with the bloody nose and apparently that gave him a right to let his anger out on poor Castiel.

"Who the fuck are you?" Owen spat, some blood entering his mouth.

Castiel reached for the cuffs, "I'm Special Agent Novak with the FBI and I'm gonna ask you to put ur hands behind your back."

There was some muttering around them and Dean was forgotten momentarily.

Owen groaned outloud, "Are you fucking serious?!"

Like as if on cue, Charlie walked in, she was In her casual clothes and Castiel almost felt bad, now knowing she was probably at home.

"What's up with these boys?"

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