Battle of Limbs: Lucy

Start from the beginning

Her vectors sprouted and were encircling the doctor

"Jeez louis. Such a paranoid staff they gave me-" just then his phone rang, groaning he grabbed it from his pocket to answer "What!?" He said in anger.

Lucy got closer to his side of the wall from where she was in the gap. She heard into the conversation

"Colonel Craven here, requesting status report, over." The voice called

"Roger, 0657 no reports of silent signals around the perimeter except for those two. Over and out"

Lucy groaned at the fact. They really had something under their sleeves didn't they?

"Roger Dr. Jonas. Once they make a move press the red button on your device and we will meet the dynamic duo." Craven said, cutting off the communication.

One of her vectors went inside of the wall but then retracted it as the doctor was called.

"Dr. Jonas" Called a female voice, a lady that in fact looked like a secretary with a skirt, dress shirt, and her hair tied like a bun. She also wore glasses that hid her eyes, a cold blue.

"Is the armor ready? I want to prepare myself for when project Athena gets here. Tell me the status" she ordered, the doctor flick his cigarette.

"Okay. Follow me."

The two walked down to what looked like the main framework. Lucy was tempted to see the armor they were working on.

While she smugly smiled at the design she held in a clipboard, the doctor began to explain the weapon that was to be the armor of the Secretary

"The armor Tetra Zar, is a specially enhanced mechanical armor that is designed to resist all kinds of hits. It is near unbreakable, having used the bones of the toughest creatures we have encountered created by the Blacklight virus. These specimens have mutated espectacularly, evolving into different classes rather than its quickly diminishing ancestor: the Hunter. These new breeds are now being called Brawlers and Juggernauts. The latter possess a tank ability that can take out battalions of troops without heavy fire power but even then it might take hours to beat one."

Lucy overheard as she used her vectors to pull her up into the steel beams holding the roof up top. She secured herself with four vectors as she listened in. The room being quite apart from the electrical whines and talking personnel. No one was looking up like always 'You'll think they learn that monsters prefer being above sight' she thought, floating with her vectors holding her from steel beam to steel beam that formed a grid over the entire room.

The scientists began to activate the main project they had been working on. In the main platform centered in the room lit up as the two Lucy have been following looked ahead in anticipation

"So then it is ready huh?"

"Yes, Secretary Viktoria Albania, the project was finished a couple days ago." Dr. Jonas concluded "Even the especial adjustments you wanted against a psychic from the data you provided us."

Lucy groaned at that. They could have an ace that could leave her totally vulnerable. She swung herself to get closer and heard the rings of a alarm.

Red lights came on and the platform opened up the side doors opening to show a pillar coming out of the ground with all sorts of connections, revealing a bipedal robot that must be the size of 2 meters. It had a jagged composition that made it look like a samurai form its shoulders, adjacent spring like legs, and looked like it could be only controlled by a single person inside the sphere pod in the middle. It seemed from the it had hatches that could detach from the main body that the sphere was an escape pod if things went sour.

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