{Request #1} Cold winds, warm hearts [Llorumi]

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(For ^^^ )

(Setting is post-S10. Hope you enjoy~!)

A shiver runs through my body as I struggle through the fierce blizzard. A part of me wishes I hadn't cut my hair so short, as it has left my neck unusually exposed to the elements in a way I am not used to, but another part of me reminds me that if I hadn't, I might not have been able to make it this far.

It doesn't matter how far I've made it, I realize now. This may very well be where I die... for real.

I trip and stumble to my knees, my cry of pain being lost in the wind. I manage to pick myself back up and look around, though unable to ignore the spreading numbness in my fingers and toes. I gasp with relief when I suddenly spot a small cabin. As I approach, I notice how there are no lights on inside, so either the power is out, or no one is home. I hope it's the latter...

To my surprise, the door is unlocked. I push it open, then lean against it to close it once I'm inside, since my fingers are too frozen to use the doorknob correctly. As I creep forward, cautiously exploring the house, I discover a living room with a cozy setup of couches surrounding a fireplace with a TV mounted to the wall above it. I can't resist stepping closer. The fire in the fireplace is so warm, and I'm so cold...


There's a fire in the...

Someone's here after all.

I look around frantically, all my senses suddenly on alert, but don't hear anything aside from the howling wind and the crackling fire. Maybe they just left and forgot to put the fire out? Normally, my brain would immediately reject such a suggestion, but it's too frozen to do so now. I move closer, relishing the heat that I can feel as it melts the numbness of my limbs away.

At last, I can feel my arms and legs again, and I sigh in relief. But my heart lurches when I hear a noise right behind me. I tell myself not to panic as I freeze and analyze the sound. It sounds like someone breathing deeply and shifting a bit... oh my gosh they're sleeping. Someone is sleeping. Right behind me. On the couch. Don't move. Don't make a sound.

Despite what I told myself, I start to slowly turn around to see who the person is. My heart seems to stop when I see his all-too-familiar face, framed by pale blond hair, with his bright green eyes. Open. Staring at me.

"Lloyd?" the thought of recognition escapes in a surprised whisper. I clap my hands over my mouth, but he obviously heard me. He slides off the couch and sits on the floor in front of me.

"Rumi?" His voice is full of disbelief. "No, no, you can't... it's not possible... I saw her die..." My heart beats wildly when I see the pain in his eyes, causing me to remember that day: the building collapsing, the smoke, the pain... but I had survived, and no one ever found out. 

"What's your name?" He inquires, tilting his head in the adorable way he does. My brain races, wondering if I should come up with an alias, but I'm already speaking before I decide.

"It's... it's me, Lloyd... It's Harumi..." I subconsciously hold my breath and wait for his response. I wait for him to be angry at me for betraying him, for resurrecting his father. I wait for him to yell at me and order me to leave, or else he'll have to throw me out himself.

So when I feel his arms wrap around me and pull me close to him, I'm petrified with shock.

"Harumi..." he murmurs, burying his face in my shoulder. "I'm so glad you're okay! I thought you had died when you... when that building..." I release the breath as I realize my shoulder is becoming damp.

"Lloyd," I push myself away from him. "Why are you crying?"

"I..." his voice breaks as he stares into my eyes, causing my face to warm up, which is definitely not caused by the fire. "I missed you. I was certain you were dead, and you were the only girl I ever really loved, so I--"

"Even though I betrayed you? Even though I resurrected Lord Garmadon? Even though I tried to kill you?!" I sigh and turn my face away, unconvinced despite wanting to be otherwise. "How could you possibly miss me after everything I did to you?"

"Because, even after all that, I knew there was still some good in you." His hand brushed my cheek and turned my head back towards him. "There was good in almost every other villain we fought, I was certain you were no different in that way."

"You had so much faith in me," I mutter. "How?"

"Anyone can change, Harumi. Everyone has a choice."

I notice a smile playing at his lips, then blush, internally scolding myself for even glancing at his mouth. But my mind is already running through countless scenarios, considering what would happen if I were to... No, I growl in my head, yet unable to feel a bitter sting of resentment at that thought. I must not kiss him. It could hurt him more than not doing so would hurt me.

However, it appears my mind had been overworking itself, since Lloyd is now leaning closer to me. "L-lloyd?" I manage to stammer, confused. "What are you...?" I trail off somewhat unsure of what I was going to say.

"Harumi, I'm sorry," he pauses, staring into my eyes. "I just... I can't help but still be in love with you, even after everything that happened.... Forgive me for what I'm about to do, if you can." His pleading expression shifts into one of longing and desire as he shuts his eyes and closes the gap between us.

I become lost in the kiss, finding my hands traveling up around his neck and into the hair on the back of his head. I feel a welcome shudder when his arms wrap around my waist. Time stands still as we are absorbed in each other; I can't even hear the wind or the fire anymore. I let out a muffled squeak when I feel his tongue moving between my lips and starting to explore my mouth, but I don't back away. I can almost hear him laugh, which makes me want to smile. I'm worried that smiling would break the kiss, however, so I force it back.

All too soon, we start to run out of oxygen, so Lloyd pulls away. His eyes hold a different expression now, though not unfamiliar. It's the same one that he had always looked at me with before he knew I was the Quiet One. The same one that I saw when the building was collapsing.


He really does love me.

And I love him back.

(thank you for reading! Reminder that requests are open, so if you have a pairing you want me to write about, check the first chapter to see the rules! Peace out, fam~! <3)

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