Chapter 24 - Mercy

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Cas (POV)


I could feel stage four coming on but luckily i was alone when it happened. I could feel myself beginning to process bad thoughts, like i wanted to kill everything. I had imagined killing my whole family and i had laughed at the thought. I had imagined killing little Sammy by slitting his throat while Gabriel and Dean watched, my eyes black and lifeless like a great white sharks in the deepest part of the ocean. I had also imagined killing Dean. This was probably the worst one because rather then just killing him i did other things to him too that were unthinkable but i imagined them all and enjoyed it. It hurt to think like this because i knew that my personality wasn't like this at all but it also felt good. I felt powerful when i imagined these things, so much so that i got up off the sofa from where i was sat and decided to take a stroll down town to see if i could find a weak person to make suffer. As i was walking, i turned into an alleyway where i saw a young girl walking. I had gained some of my powers now so i clicked my fingers and i appeared right in front of her, startling her. I smiled sweetly at the girl but it must have come out as an evil sort of grimace instead because she started backing away from me. 

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" I asked the girl coolly, taking a step towards her.

"Get away from me." Her voice trembled and i laughed coldly and humorlessly.

"Why would i do that? You're a pretty young thing aren't you?" With this i extended my wings, the blackness shadowed her and her eyes went wide in horror. She screamed loudly but i put a hand over her mouth and shushed her. "Oh dear, we can't have that dreadful noise my sweet."

"What are you?" She whimpered.

"Me? I'm an angel of the lord." I grabbed her throat suddenly and with mighty strength i held her up by the neck and shoved her against a wall. She was choking and i was just watching without sympathy or empathy for the poor girl. I smiled at her as her stuggles became weaker and she was losing her breath. Her eyes were drooping and her body was going limp when all of a sudden, pain shot through my mind, my vision went blurry and finally - i passed out.


I woke up in a field, where a ring of holy fire was circling around me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before looking around the vast field. I caught the eye of a man, around 37 years old and smirked at him.

"Do you really think this will hold me for long?" I snarl at him and he sniffs and walks around the circle, looking me up and down. "Are you checking me out?"

"Shut it." The man said harsly and i snorted. "What were you trying to do to that poor girl?"

"Well, i'm going to be honest with you good sir. I was trying to kill her until you rudely interrupted." I say nonchalantly, looking at my fingernails and he grimaced at me, finally coming around the circle and standing right in front of me. I stood up straight and looked into his eyes, smirking slightly.

"Why? You're an angel." He states simply. He was obviously someone who didn't mess around and just got straight to the point.

"Well noticed." I yawn as if i am bored with the conversation already. 

"Angels are meant to protect people." He states again and i roll my eyes.

"That may be so, but it doesn't stop me from killing them from time to time." I start laughing madly and he scoffs at me and turns his back on me. "Was there something you wanted?" I called to him before he could walk away and he stopped suddenly, stiffening slightly and turning around slowly.


"Well, what is it?" I grin at the man and his hand grips onto his knife a bit tighter. He storms back over to me and growls;

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