"Shut up." Cleo says, shoving my shoulder before walking for the front door.

I chuckle behind her back as I walk after her, Clays gaze narrowed on mine in warning.

I shrug defiantly and exit the house.

• • •

My feet pound beneath me, breaths releasing in controlled spurts as I take the curve of the track, sweat dripping down my face and over the scrape on my cheekbone.

"You're a dumbass." Cleo says from the sidelines as I pass her.

"What she said." Clay puffs beside me.

"What," I breathe out, "Why am I a dumbass?"

Cleo releases a choked laugh, "You don't think we can see you eye-fucking the new girl every time she walks past you?"

"I am not." I mumble, speeding up my run.

"He's not eye-fucking her," Another voice pipes up and I watch as Liam jogs towards us, "He is making love with his eyeballs."

I choke back a laugh of my own, narrowing my eyes on the grinning boy.

He only waggles his eyebrows back.

I speed up again, the sweat on my skin doubling.

"Hey, stop running!" Liams voice whines, "You know I hate it."

I ignore him until I feel both his and Clays presence at my sides.

I glance to my left, seeing Clay pull his shirt over his head. "You can't hide your feeling from me, I can see it on your face."

"I don't have feelings to hide." I mumble, clearing my throat. "And you're one to talk." I glance over his shoulder towards Cleo, raising a brow.

He grunts but doesn't reply, ignoring the truth in my statement.

I laugh under my breathe but he only speeds up, so I follow.

"Excuse me, I was under the impression that I wouldn't have to exercise today." Liam huffs but keeps his strides long.

He looks towards Cleo, who sits on the ground, brown-almost black eyes watching us. Or more specifically, Clay.

"Cleo, get your lazy ass on the field." Liam taunts, beginning to run backwards.

Her eyes snap to him, startled before she looksat her nails in boredom. "I'm not lazy. I just pick my battles." She jeers back, sending a simpering smile his way. "And there's no point in damaging your fragile ego by beating your flat ass."

"My ass is not flat, is voluptuous."

"Oh, are we learning big words now?" She pouts.

He narrows his eyes. "Okay, rude."

She giggles, going back to basking in the midday sun.

Liam ignores her from then on, beginning to run in front of me but facing my way.

He smirks as his blue eyes meet mine.


I narrow my eyes on him but don't reply, speeding up.

"Yes!" He fist-pumps the air as he runs beside me, reddish-gold hair flying in the breeze. I breathe out and speed up again, hiding my smirk as his breathing becomes laboured.

"Slow down." He gasps.

Clay and I look to him with matching smirks, "I thought we were racing."

"Yeah, but I want to win."

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