Zev nods his head, but Gabe starts to connect the dots. "So that means Stella's slept with more people than you have?"

James punches him in the gut, "Thanks, I totally haven't been replaying that thought in my mind."

Wait a second, are we talking about the same Stella? "Stella's not a virgin?"

All three guys share a look before dying with laughter. "Hell no, for a second there she was the female version of Gabe." James explains casually.

I sit there, completely shocked. I guess it's a good thing he's not hung up about it, but I did not picture her as someone with that skill set. Especially with her mother there to kill anyone who looks at her the wrong way. "Damn, I did not see that coming."

"What were you thinking?" Gabe asks, drying a tear.

"I don't know, I just assumed Ella was the only one who partook in those activities." That's what I get for using my head.

"Ashton, Ella's the only one in that trio who hasn't done anything." He clarifies between laughs, overly amused by how wrong I was.

I let his words sink in, the more I think about it, that more I wonder how I ever thought Sage and Ella would be the ones. They're still stuck in whatever limbo they're in and that seems to consume the majority of their time.

I go for another sip of drink when the final pieces finally click in my mind. "Wait a second, so you mean... Scarlett's not a... she's done the..."

It's a struggle to string a sentence together, confused by how to react. She had told that story and I assumed that was it, she didn't want to have sex yet.

"Scarlett's had sex before." Gabe tells me, like he's guiding a lost puppy. 

"But Bennett was an asshole." I state, that's the only possible option.

Gabe snorts, "He is, and she regrets it so what you just learned doesn't leave this room but wipe the dumbfounded look off your face. She's a human being, she was allowed to make that decision, even if it was poorly made."

Shutting my mouth, I try to calm my thoughts down. I don't even know why I'm bothered; I've slept with more people than I care to remember. But he's hurt her so many times and that's something she'll have to carry for the rest of her life. Life really sucks sometimes, so many other people would've been a better option. And not only that but he then decided that it was just something he could demand whenever. 

God, I really hate people sometimes.

Just as I think I'm no longer wanting to punch a certain scumbag, Zev clears his throat. "So, about Scarlett..."

Someone shoot me now; I won't make it through this conversation without making an ass out of myself. Fighting a groan, I lean against the wall, don't say it. 

"I'm thinking about asking her out." He finishes.

Reaching for another slice of pizza, I'm pissed to discover there's no more left. "You think or you are?" I demand, damnit, someone shove a sock in my mouth.

He looks me dead in the eye, a small grin on his face. "I am, tomorrow morning before school starts, I'm going to ask her to get coffee." 

That's such a generic idea but she loves coffee, way too much to be healthy. "You think she's going to say yes?" Because I don't.

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