Chapter Seventeen: The Race Ends

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Sword and Blade were found completely lost somehow in the forest. In the end you and Meta Knight and Kirby and Tokkori were the only ones on the track.
(Your parents fell in the water, Tiff and Tuff were attacked, King Dedede and Escargoon's car was destroyed by missiles, and again Sword and Blade got lost.)

"Do you think Kirby is still driving?" You ask Meta Knight, who keeps looking everywhere but the road.
"I am sure Tokkori will keep him awake. For now, let's worry about ourselves."
So you drove on. From afar you could hear Sir Ebrum shouting "What's this? It's seems as if Kirby and Tokkori have chosen to fly here! Unfortunately we will have to disqualify you two! This means that Y/N and Meta Knight are our automatic winners!"

"Did you hear that? We won!" You squeal.
(AN: My boyfriend loves it when I quietly squeal.)
"Yes, but also no. We have one more competitor."

From afar you can hear another car.
"Could it be...?" You wonder aloud as you slowly turn around.

And there behind you is a speeding pink car with many over the top white decorations.
"That looks like something from My Little Pony..." You whisper.

"We must go!" Meta Knight shouts suddenly hitting the pedal harder.
"Y/N! Push that blue button right there!" Meta Knight shouts indicating to a flashing button next to you.
"Is it safe?" You ask.
"It's about as safe as The Titanic!" He shouts.
"The Titanic crashed-..." You were cut off by you accidentally hitting the button as the car sped.

The car came off the ground.
"META KNIGHT THIS ISN'T F-ZERO!" You scream as you go even faster.
*Insert F-Zero music*

From above you were hit with a blue shell.

The fight continued with both sides throwing stuff and showing off new tricks as everyone watched. Kirby kept jumping up in joy saying "Poyo! Poyo!" Tiff looked worried, but she had faith Meta Knight would win and keep you safe.

"You will never defeat me Meta Knight!" Galacta Knight shouts.
"Fight me!" Meta Knight taunts.
"Finally! That's something you're supposed to say!" You smile.
".... nevermind."

After while finally you convinced them that this was getting nowhere and to just move out to somewhere empty and sword fight. So, that's what they did.

The fight was intense. Unlike the last battle, the two were avoiding getting hurt as much as possible.
"Poyo!" Kirby appears.
"Kirby! You're not supposed to be here!" You shout. As if he didn't hear you, Kirby hops down to Galacta Knight.
"What is this baby doing here?" He asks.
And Kirby inhales his mask.


His mask.

"Oh my gosh! You look just like Kirby!" You laugh. It was true, Galacta Knight has the same adorable face that Meta Knight and Kirby have. Of course, neither as adorable as Meta Knight.
"I'll be back... one day. After I get a new mask."
And Galacta Knight disappeared as you continued to laugh. Meta Knight chuckled and Kirby was dancing even though he had no idea what just happened.
All was good.

Y/N'S PARENTS FOR GOOD!" King Dedede shouts, as usual.
"Surely you cannot possibly mean we will kill them!" Escargoon worriedly states.
"OF COURSE NOT! WE HAVE OUR WAYS!" King Dedede smirks.
"Which would be?"

A/N: Sorry to make you wait. I think the next chapter will be the last chapter. There's some other books I want to write (maybe one original and another X Reader. Whatever X Reader is requested most I'll do it. Currently it's King Dedede pretty much so please comment what you want here!) and though it's summer break I will be busy with volunteer work.

I managed to finish my school year with straight A's all year again, and as I said before (and why most of my time during the night is taken) I have a handsome boyfriend now so I think freshman year was great.

Just so you know, I'm checking Wattpad pretty frequently because if I don't I get piled with notifications! I find that so cool! Your comments are all very entertaining, even if I don't reply to them I still love them all.

Thank you for reading up to this point! The next and final chapter should be out soon!

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