Chapter Seven: Sirica

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Annoying A/N- Hey, just wanted to ask how in the world this book is already up to 100 reads. So, thank you everyone!
(Also, I beat Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland! To tell the truth it's the first Kirby game that I have played all the way through. So, I'm going to go back and get it to 100% so I can unlock Meta Knightmare and play it! Wish me luck!)

Now I will let a time skip happen

After a week of rest your ankle finally stopped aching so much and you can now walk normally.
(Let me butt in one last time to say that the last time I sprained my ankle is when I was on a sugar high because I ate about thirty Life Savers. The best part? The next day I had to perform in a ballet/chorus/orchestra performance, and I was the concertmaster of the orchestra lol)

Starting the day Doctor Yabui told you that you can move freely, you started to shake poor Meta Knight awake early in the morning to start training. Though he had no protests, it was rather tiring. Finally, on the tenth day Meta Knight stayed put in his bed.

"Y/N. Even if you can walk now, that does not mean that your ankle has completely healed. It was okay at first, but it has become a hindrance to your training. Get some rest."
With that, you were thrown out to go back to bed.
"What's with him?" You pout. Not wanting to rest, you turn around and walk back outside.

Remembering your usual routine you decide to just go ahead and train.
"Fifty laps around the beach!" You say to yourself and get started.

During you thirty-fifth lap you suddenly hear a large sound from nearby. Curious, you walk up to find a spaceship. Suddenly, a girl comes out. Her appearance strikes you as familiar immediately as Tiff had talked about her before.
"Are you... Sirica?" You ask. Sirica turns to you and questionably answers, "Yes, and what of it? I haven't seen you before."
"Oh! Sorry, my name is Y/N! I'm a visiting friend of Tiff!" You introduce yourself.
"I see! Well, as you already know my name is Sirica! Nice to meet you!" She says. Laughing you both shake hands.
You felt a little shaken about her weapon though.

"Oh, so you're in love with Sir Meta Knight?" Sirica asks. You nod. You had been talking to her as you headed to town.
"That's fine and all... but have you ever considered how old Meta Knight is? He was probably older than my mother when she died, and since you're probably younger than me..." She turns to you, "uhh you might want to ask him."
You laugh.

When you get to town, many of the people greet Sirica. Afterward you make your way back to the castle, in which you stop by Meta Knight's room while Sirica decides to "take a good look at the castle since the last time she was too intent on getting Galaxia".

"Sir Meta Knight?" You ask, walking in. It was still early for lunch, so Sword and Blade are not there.
"Yes, I'm here. Did you get some rest?" He asks.
"Oh, no. I met Sirica because she came to visit." You honestly admit. You can hear Meta Knight slightly groan at this.
"I should go visit her myself then. Get some rest now Y/N and don't worry about lunch." Meta Knight attempts to walk out when suddenly you ask him.
"How old are you?"
"Pardon?" He turns around.
"How old are you?" You ask again.
"Do you really wish to know? If I tell you, would you please not tell anyone?" Meta Knight asks. You nod.

"50, 427 years old."

"What?!" You gasp, "no way!" You laugh.
"It's up to you to figure out whether or not that's true." Meta Knight says, with that he leaves the room.

And you're only {insert age}

(I'm only fourteen O__O)

(This was kinda short but hey, at least I wrote something. I'll see you next chapter. Also, check out the comic and video up top, they're funny. Also check the ones below.)


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