Chapter Fifteen: The "Race" Begins

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So everyone had their car made. The people participating are:
♠︎ Your parents
♠︎ You and Meta Knight
♠︎ Sword and Blade
♠︎ Kirby and Tokkori
♠︎ King Dedede and Escargoon
♠︎ Tiff and Tuff

"Well our town is a race track again." Tuff sighs
"Will it be alright?" You ask.
"Of course! Don't worry, we've been through much worse." Tiff laughs.
From a distance you see your parents.

"I'm only going home with you if you actually manage to WIN the race alright!?" You say to your parents.
"Of course. We will win though, our car is the fastest one ever made!" Your father replies.
(AN: When I typed "win" the first time I typed "sin". "We will sin though..." lol.
Oh yeah by the way I spent about an hour going through Kirby Wikis of characters just to make sure I'm portraying them right. I can't even tell anymore. Too many of the characters, Galacta Knight especially, have no information whatsoever).

"Meta Knight? What is that?" You ask pointing at a certain button in the car.
"You will see..." He chuckles.

"Kirby! You can't fall asleep this time ya hear me?!" Tokkori shouts.

(AN: So in this chapter just to see how it turns out I'm writing King Dedede's lines in all caps and written exactly how he sounds. Enjoy lol)


(AN: Oh god no..... hahaha)

"Sire, if I may I don't think this is a very good-.." Escargoon protests.

(Last AN: Last time I'm probably going to write like this lmao)

"Tuff! Are you really going to drive again?" Tiff asks as they get in the car Gengu made them.
"Yep! Don't worry, Gus taught me some tricks!" Tuff says confidently.

"Are you nervous?" Meta Knight asks you. To be honest, you were. Why? Well two things. One, Galacta Knight. Two, the fact that Meta Knight is driving.
"Not really." You smile.

"Now now everyone settle down! Now begins our second race in Cappy Town! Today, catering our food will be Kawasaki!" Sir Ebrum shouts.
"BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" The crowd roars.
"Aw... come on..." Kawasaki sulks.

"Uh... Well without further ado let's get this race started! On your mark, get set...

With a roar everyone starts their engines... but why does one sound louder than all the others?
"Oh no................." You groan turning around.
"What has King Dedede done this time?"Meta Knight asks.
"He made a huge car.... shaped like himself. It's as large as Kabu...."
Meta Knight turns around and after a moment faces forward. Due to utter shock no one has moved yet.
"I certainly cannot kick that down a slope."

"WHAT ON POPSTAR IS THAT THING?!" Your father shouts.
"Yours? I believe it was mine..." Escargoon murmurs.
"DID YA SAY SOMETHIN' ESCARGOON?" King Dedede asks, his mallet in hand.
"Of course not sire! Now, hurry and start the race!" Escargoon says, giving him an awkward smile.

"The race! Let's go Blade!"
"Aye!" Sword replies as they drive us.

"Looks like they got a head start. Hold on tight Y/N..." And Meta Knight pushes his gas pedal.
You quietly giggle at the realization that the "bottom" of his car is very high on his side.

"Hah! You guys are slow!" You father shouts while speeding past you.
"Oh no..." you murmur.
"It's going to be alright." Meta Knight reassures you.

Meanwhile on King Dedede's car...
"Sire.... I believe we've been left behind." Escargoon says.
"WHY ARE WE MOVIN' SO SLOWLY?!" King Dedede asks.
"Probably because this car weighs just as much as you do..." Escargoon sighs.
"WHAT?!" King Dedede shouts.
"It seems like King Dedede's car is as slow as Escargoon!" The crowd laughs

"Uh! No, Sire this car is just very heavy! We should take your part off and use the main car instead."

So they reluctantly detached the King Dedede part of their car by pushing a button and caught up to everyone with a small tank.

"Tuff! Why are we taking really sharp turns?" Tiff shouts.
"Relax sis, we'll be fine!" Tuff smiles.
"Most of the drivers here should stick to a tricycle." Tiff sighs.

Suddenly, from ahead of everyone your parent's screams were heard quite audibly.
"What happened?!" You gasp. Everyone quickly drives to where your parents were and stop to see what happened.
Everyone except for Sword and Blade and Kirby and Tokkori of course.

"Their car was... cut in half...." Tiff gasps.
"WHATEVER HAPPENED WE NEED GO KEEP GOIN!!" King Dedede shouts from his car. Escargoon honks their horn which goes "BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP".

"My parents!" You shriek.
"They're okay! I pushed them to shore!" Kine shouts.
"Thank you Kine!" Tiff smiles.
Kine blushes.

"Still what could have caused this..." Tiff ponders.

You and Meta Knight exchange looks knowing exactly what happened.


"Yes yes, we'll move..." Meta Knight sighs.

(AN: Let me know for errors, I haven't been typing well lately and it's kinda late)

Meta Knight x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora