RJ, Theodore, Coralei, Benji, Harlow and Will all walk into Dinosaur World and begin to walk around and explore!

"What do you guys wanna do first? We can do anything we want!" Will asks the kids as the kids look around Dinosaur World in excitement.

"Everything!" Coralei says, making Will and RJ both laugh loudly.

"Hey, let's do the cave show first! That looks really fun to do!" RJ says out loud as he playfully throws Theodore in the air, making Theodore giggle.

"Do you guys wanna do the exploration cave show now or later?" Will asks Benji, Coralei and Theodore.

"Now!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore say in unison happily.

"Okay! Let's do it!" RJ says as Benji, Coralei and Theodore all cheer.

"YAY!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore say in unison and in excitement.

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow do the Exploration Cave Show! During the Exploration Cave Show, Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow take a guided tour with an actual Paleontologist on a three part tour through a cave, a dig site, and a work station!

Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow all learned about fossil formation and preservation and watch a demonstration on the proper way to excavate a fossil from a site!

Will begins to vlog Benji, RJ, Coralei and Theodore all looking at fossil replicas together! Will is holding Harlow in his arms because he doesn't want her eating the sand or try to eat the fossil replicas.

"Woah! Look, Daddy! Look, Papi!" Coralei says holding up the fossil replica for Will and RJ to see.

"I see! That is really cool, Coralei!" RJ says to Coralei with a cheeky grin.

"Woah! How cool, Coralei!" Will says to Coralei happily.

"Look at this humungous fossil tooth, Papi and Daddy!" Benji says, holding the fossil tooth up.

"That is a BIG tooth, bubba! Woah!" Will says to Benji with a grin.

"That's gotta be a really big dinosaur tooth, bubba. What do you think?" RJ asks Benji.

"I think it is a dinosaur tooth! Like a carnivore dinosaur!" Benji says to RJ and Will.

"I agree! Look how sharp that is! Be careful with it, okay?" Will says to Benji.

"I will, Daddy!" Benji says with a big smile.

"Woah!" Theodore says, holding up a fossil skull in amazement.

"That's a skull, Teddy! Woah, how cool is that?" RJ asks Theodore.

"So cool, Papi!" Theodore says with big grin.

"Do you see everything Harlow?" Will asks Harlow, kissing her cheek gently.

"Ba ba ba!" Harlow says, making Will and RJ both smile and chuckle.

Benji, Coralei and Theodore then asks the Paleontologist their many exciting questions about dinosaurs!

After the Exploration Cave Show, Will, RJ, Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow go to the Triviasaurus Rex Game Show!

Benji and Theodore answer some dinosaur knowledge questions and Benji ultimately wins the big prize!

"I WON, Daddy and Papi! I WON the big prize!" Benji says with a big cheeky smile.

"You did, bubba! I am so proud of you!" Will says to Benji happily.

"Awesome job, bubba! Woohoo!" RJ says cheering Benji on.

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