2• Lights, Cammer, Jamie the Lacrosse star

Start from the beginning

"Well Scott an i had this thing" Kira said

and Jamie's heart felt like it fell into her stomach

"What do you want it to be?" Malia asked

"More" Kira said as she lent on the lacrosse stick

Jamie now felt as if her heart was being burned

She checked her phone

"Hey Sorry I have to go" Jamie said as se grabbed her bag and books

before dialing her mothers number

after asking her mum to pick her up

Jamie waited playing games in her phone and browsing tumblr until her mothers car pulled up

"Hey" She said as she got into he passenger seat

"Hey sweetie how was school" her mum asked before she started then car

"I'm not five anymore" Jamie laughed and mum smiled

Digging through her bag she pulled put her head phones and plugged them into her phone blasting Me and My broken heart by Rixton on repeat

her mother pulled up to their house and Jamie rushed inside dropping her bag on her bed jogging down stairs grabbing a bottle of water

"Mum I'm taking the car" Jamie said and mother nodded

as she grabbed the keys of the counter taking out her headphones from her phone and placing them in the counter and walked out to the car the warm spring air felt nice on Jamie's arms as she got into her car

plugging her Phone into the Aux cable

shuffling her playlist and driving off towards the hospital

Jamie had started a part time job there because she was the kind of person to ring miracles or so to speak

she pulled up into the hospital car park and the sight of Stile's beat up old jeep there was something she dreaded

se walked in placing her nurse tag on loosely tying her in a bun and stepping out of her her jeans and the floral shirt she had one kept her warm for the small time she was there.

Walking into the hospital Smiling at the receptionist and signing in

"You'll be helping the Dunbar kid in room 214" The snotty old nurse said

(not the receptionist)

Jamie nodded taking the clip board from the nurse and walking off down the hall

knocking slightly before opening the door she saw it was the Freshman who winked at her in the school hallway

"Well well If it isn't Freshman flirt" Jamie said as the kid Shot her a half smile half glare

"if it isn'r nurse junior" He replied back and Jamie stifled a laugh as she checked his diagnosis

a broken foot due to lacrosse practice

"So how'd you hurt your foot?" Jamie asked

"I went up against two juniors in Lacrosse practice" He deadpanned

"idiot" She mumbled

"So is or just sprained or broken?" He asked

"Sorry Liam but its broken so you won't be playing Lacrosse this season" Jamie said with a sad smile

He sighed when a howl ripped trough the hospital

(Jamies POV)

I stepped out of the room

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