The guilt room

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Lucifer opened the door to the guilt room where he was told the soul responsible for the snow was being held in. 

Rooms such as these were used to store new souls until better punishment was determined for them. In the meantime, they served as good temporary torture. 

He was curious who the soul was and how it was able to create all the snow. To start, he decided to watch the events in the room to get to know what type of sinner he was dealing with.

The room took shape of a wooden hut and its furnishings as well as the attire of the people within surprised him. It all appeared to be set in the past, somewhere in the 17th or 18th century. That would suggest that the soul before him was not newly deceased. Considering that it was just very recently caught, it would mean that it escaped. How did that happen?

He paid more attention to the people inside. The soul being tortured was a young lad, with unnaturally white hair. He was dressed in a blue hoodie, which was too modern for the rest of the setting and that bothered Lucifer. He was thoroughly confused at this point and decided to ignore the appearances and just watch the events in the room.

A middle-aged man towered over a small brown-haired girl. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes as he yelled at her.

"How could you let this happen?"

"I'm sorry, papa," the girl cried.

"My only son is dead and it's all your fault!" the man boomed and the girl broke into more sobs.

The white-haired soul stepped next to the girl and pleaded to the man, "Don't blame her. It wasn't her fault. It was an accident!" but the man walked right through him as if he was a ghost. The soul fell to the ground, landing on his knees and breathing heavily.

Lucifer found this interesting. The soul thought he was a ghost?

The girl came crying to a woman sitting in the corner.

"Mama, please..."

"Who will take care of us now?" the woman responded with no care for the girl's tears. "Get out of my sight!"

The girl crumpled to the ground and the soul came to sit next to her.

"Don't cry," he said softly. "It wasn't your fault," but the girl did not hear him.

The scene in the room dissolved, leaving the soul sitting on the floor, a look of despair in his eyes. Lucifer frowned. It was over? He didn't see what sin was committed. Maybe he missed the beginning of it. He waited patiently for the scene to replay.

The same family members reappeared but were now in different positions. The man was sitting at the table and the little girl sat in the chair next to him.

"You killed your brother," he said with poison in his voice.

The girl started crying in response and the white-haired soul got up to defend her.

"Don't say that! That's not true!" he screamed.

"How can you live with yourself?" the woman said walking up to the crying girl and slapping her in the face.

The slap made a loud crack and the soul screamed, "NO!" but he couldn't stop it, his hand passed right through the woman's arm as she hit the girl again.

The scene dissolved again and the soul fell on his knees. He covered his face, cried and repeated, "No... No... No..."

Lucifer was perplexed. This scene was completely different from the first. That wasn't right. The guilt room was designed to constantly repeat the act the soul felt most guilty of which was usually one of the mortal sins that landed them in Hell. Not only this soul hadn't revealed what the sin was, but also the scene shouldn't have been different.

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