Chapter 31

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"Please, love, come out from the bathroom." Paul pleaded from the other side of the door.

"Not until you tell me why Maggie was here." I folded my arms over my chest staring at the locked door as if I could see right through it.

"I'll say it a million times love, she came here thinking she could resume where things had left off, although I already broke it off before and told her I was in love with you a long time ago." There was a mix of hurt and desperation not his voice, making it hard for me to think he was lying.

"So then what? Did she get what she wanted? Paul, what's in the media is humiliating." I choked, barley being able to comprehend the embarrassment of having my very private business displayed to public, making me look completely foolish.

"No, Charlie, we'll set things straight love, anything it takes, I'd never do anything like that. I know you know that." He spoke firmly in a way that seemed to relax me slightly.

I remained silent, knowing deep down he was telling the truth.

"Charlie, it's just like you said, you're the one I want to be with, not her."

The words stung, knowing I seemed just as untrusting as he had been before.

"Please." I heard him say in almost a whisper.

Slowly, I opened the door, feeling immediately sorrowful as I saw the look on his face.

"I'm sorry, I should've heard you out first." I shook my head feeling silly, a tear slipping from my eye with a mix of sorrow and embarrassment consuming my thoughts.

"No I am," He took my hands in his, "I should've told you." He apologized sweetly, wiping the tear away.

I shook my head with a smile, placing a small kiss on his cheek being able to fully relax. After everything we've been though, I didn't believe he was capable of doing something so thoughtless just to come all the way to get me back.

"Let's get to bed, yeah? I promise you we'll straighten things out with the press tomorrow." He gave a reassuring grin, hoping not to upset me further.

I nodded with a warm smile, feeling how heavy my eyes were and followed him up to bed.


The next morning I woke up by myself in the bedroom with the morning sunlight beating down in my eyes from the window. I pried myself up to sit, seeing Paul's side of the bed already vacant and cold, as if he'd left awhile ago.

Suddenly slightly anxious, I stepped down on the cool hardwood floor and wrapped myself up in one of Paul's robes, shuffling out of the room wiping away the sleep from my eyes.

The memories of yesterday flooded into mind, filling me with mixed emotions of all kinds. I hated how public my problems with Paul now seemed to become, and a nagging voice of my father kept telling me I deserved it for being with Paul. I felt like a mess, and I longed deeply for just a normal day with Paul, although I knew that was near impossible.

The smell of food pulled me into the kitchen, where I found Paul in an apron and pyjamas as he leaned over the stove making breakfast, and Martha right at his feet waiting for something to drop.

Paul took a double take as he saw me staring at him in awe from the doorway.

"Damn." He fell back into the counter at his side as he stared at me as if he'd been caught stealing.

"I thought I'd try to do something nice." He perked up with a large grin seeing how pleased I was as I walked over.

"What did I do to deserve such a man?" I smiled widely up at him, putting my hands on his chest gently, briefly noticing the mess he was making in the process and giggling.

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