Chapter Twenty Five

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"Come on child, open the door" Catherine said for the umpteenth time knocking at the door to the master bedroom.

"It's almost midday and you haven't had breakfast, this isn't good for your health Aimee" she spoke up but all her words fell on deaf ears as I still lay on the king sized bed wrapped up in the duvet. The windows shut and the curtains were let down giving the room a dark look. Grief lingered in the air snuffing out my life.

It had been this way for a week now since I had found out I couldn't bear anymore children, everyday I would lock myself up in the master bedroom opening the door to no one except the maids who came to drop my meals. Sorrow lurked through the walls of the Savedra mansion and suffocated me to death

Luca hadn't come home since he walked out on me a week ago. The first two days I was worried sick over his whereabouts, I remember asking Raffaelle numerous times if he knew where Luca had gone to but he too equally had no idea. I decided to let him be realizing he didn't come home anymore because he couldn't stand the sight of me.

There was a brief pause from the knocks on the door.. I heard whispers from the other end before the lock turned and the door was pushed open

"What's this I'm hearing of you not having breakfast yet???" Raffaelle said walking into the room holding a tray of food

"You know I've let you stay cooked up in this room for a week only because you were eating. Com'on get up let's have breakfast" he placed the tray carefully on the side table

"I don't feel hungry"

"I'm not taking no for an answer Aimee" he strictly said " it'll aid your healing process"

"What's the need of healing if I would still remain barren??? You heard Doctor Nevio, nothing can be done to help my ruptured womb" a fresh trail of tears rolled down my eyes

"You have your whole life ahead of you A, you're a strong woman and I know you can make it past this"

"maybe I'm not strong enough" I buried my head in my pillow not wanting him to see my broken soul

Raffaelle moved away from the side table and sat on the bed
"I know you're strong Aimee and I know what you're going through and how you feel but don't give in to it, don't give in to those demons" he placed a kiss to my head

Raffaelle had no idea but that simply act of placing a kiss to my head somewhat gave me a reason a smile, a sense of belonging, it was a ray of light to my darkness.

"Where's Luca???" I suddenly asked

"He- uhm he's out on an important meeting" he lied through his teeth

"More important than me?? I lost a child and he still doesn't feel even the slightest pity for me???"

"You have to understand he's doing this for you too. You both own this empire"

"empire?? What empire do you speak of??" I laughed sarcastically " the empire that stole my happiness??? I want no part in this devilish empire"

"Don't be like this, I'm sure he'll be home soon" he tried assuring me but it wasn't like I even cared

"And Monica???" I hadn't seen her since I was at the hospital, Mona still hadn't visited after my discharge as promised

"I have no idea where she wondered off to, haven't seen her in a while now"

"Please inform me if you meet her by any chance"

"Ya, definitely. Now get up and eat" he dragged the duvet off my body exposing my strawberry pink pijama.

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