Chapter 6 The Next Day

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Bonnie's POV

The next day, we were granted permission to visit that museum Big Brother mentioned last night on the condition we return before sun down. The museum wasn't far, but the address doesn't seem familiar enough. Then again, I'm 8 years old though I have memorized enough addresses in our neighborhood to get by without an adult. 

The inside of the museum was really large. It had displays that featured objects while tablets were shown having strong description of what's shown. Dedenne wanted to touch much of them, but there were 'no touching' signs on all of them so I had to make sure he didn't. 

There were also displays with old photos and even a slideshow screening with an actually narrator. This place sure is nice to visit for tourists. 

I noticed Ash looking at something in a glass box. It was the scepter from last night. He seemed very glued to it very much, not moving an inch or changing the his eye level though he still is able to blink. The scepter is still in the same position as from memory serves with no alterations and minor changes added. I glanced at the tablet found printed for the display on the stand. 

Created in the Sinnoh Region 700,000 years ago when Aura Guardians were keepers of peace, this scepter is a conductor of strong Aura blessed by the Gods. Said to be that powerful, it contains itself in a strong force through Aura so that only those worthy of its power may wield it.

"Worthy, hu?" I said having a smirk in my grasp "sounds like the Gods like to be very picky about this" Ash didn't seem to notice my comment, just looking at the scepter like he was mesmerized by it "ok what's gotten in that head of yours with this?" I finally asked having my hands point to the scepter and him. He snapped out of that trance he got himself into and probably heard me "sorry, but I couldn't help feeling it" he said though it seemed to be more quieter somehow like he didn't want others to hear what he just said. 

"Feel? Like you can sense Aura?" I asked, but Ash placed his index finger in contact with his lips while giving off the expression of fright and carefulness meaning this could be both a private conversation and should at all times not a public topic "sorry, but if you can feel it, then what you said last night when they brought it out was true?" I asked again. Ash slightly nodded as if he didn't nod at all. 

"I can't explain it fully," Ash said "But it's like feeling life inside and that it's speaking to me". That seems...more like emotion and spiritual than logic and scientific, but it fits what Ash may be talking about. A few seconds of looking at it and Ash turns around looking down at something. I glanced to his direction and noticed a Pokemon looking at us. 


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That Riolu seems to be acting much serious at us. It could be the scepter since the Riolu family and Aura are 100% connected.  Maybe it doesn't like other people touching something like this. Somehow I noticed something about this Riolu; this one had small but noticeable twin scars on its left cheek. There must be a story that explains that. 

Soon, another Pokemon came behind Riolu; A Gardevoir. Gardevoir patted Riolu on the head suggesting getting its attention and talked with it and they talked for some time, but it seems that they were in an agreement before the sounds of feet meeting floor were heard. 

"Ezra, were you gazing at that again?" 

Riolu came running straight to where the voice felt strong at. There was girl in a light pink t-shirt with the design having the features of Xerneas tree mode while her light blue shorts were a bit close to her knees. Her brown oak hair was tied in a ponytail while a rainbow cap laid on her head. Her shoes were brightly colored with green as the main color. The right side of her face was exposed of large triplet scars that were a little close to each other. Riolu shows to be happy to see her and offered its arms out signaling a need for a hug, which she does. 

"You really like that scepter, don't you?" she replied which Riolu nodded with a fresh smile "Maybe when you're ready enough, we can give it a try". Riolu seemed really excited about that and made fighting poses that made her smile. 

"There you are, Caddie" Alain spoke getting her attention. Oh, so this is Caddie from yesterday, that would explain the familiar scars on her right sided face and voice. Gardevoir glazed much at Alain as if analyzing him in advance, but her trainer seemed friendly enough to him. 

"You changed your clothes," Caddie noticed "Going for a theme seems fitting for you". "Easy for you to say," Alain commented checking her attire "you seem to have been working much".

"Uh Alain," Mairin interrupted giving Alain an embarrassed look "But can you explain why you two acting like you know each other?" that look didn't fade easily enough and is capable of being clear and visible to which I would want to make the sound of a couple sharing a kiss that involved more than simpleness "Right, me and Caddie actually knew each other when we were younger. Professor Sycamore helped her in the past" Alain explained which resulted with Caddie smacking him from behind the head "It wasn't just that!" she complained "you and your father had me for 3 years until I was old enough". This led to shockers from us. 

The first was from Clemont "Father? You mean Professor Sycamore? He's your Dad?" 

That made Alain have the supreme face of embarrassment, his entire face colored red along with his ears and his cheeks were more light red than the rest. He only made a slight nod that may be the answer to Big Brother's quick questions. 

I made 3 slight nods having some thoughts of the current topic in the making "I figured it was something like that" I said getting some attention "wait, you knew?" Serena asked "how?"

"Simple," I explained "Alain and Professor Sycamore have the same eye color, their hair style does portray dark blue, and you both are able to sing Amazing Grace incorrectly"

"For the record, I do not sing Amazing Grace incorrectly" Alain objected "and also, have you been watching us the entire time?" "Not really," I replied "I just thought of it the first time I saw you together". 

"Ok," Caddie interrupted "Yes, it's true, we all now know. Can we please move on? Mister blue blush doesn't like to talk about that kind of topic" "I don't blush!" Alain objected again while blush marks are exposed on his face. Guess by standards of using close relations like family and really close friends, Alain is a terrible lier. 

"So what are you doing in a museum?" Mairin asked "Do you come here very often?" "Actually I work here," Caddie answered "Didn't your Dad tell you. I got my license years ago and got a job here". Alain just made a difficult expression which based on the question given meant either he's not answering or he knows the answer, but refuses to say it.

"Say, can we talk somewhere else?" Alain suddenly asks erasing the small dashes of blush that was constant enough for only a small bit, his question to our guest got Caddie a the blinking point where she blinked for a few seconds before responding  "Well, I guess".

At the end of her answer, Alain took her hand and got her out of the building while Gardevoir and Riolu followed after them. This played an interesting role here, one that seemed to have big major points like one of those stories made for sitcoms on TV. My brain gave the figures and commanded my body immediately which is to go outside and follow them. 

"Bonnie, what are you doing?" Big Brother asked noticing my actions "What's it look like Clemont" I responded "I'm going after Alain and his CF of course". By CF, I mean Childhood Friend "I think they wanted to be alone for a bit" Big Brother said giving a tone of worry and carefulness "Don't worry, I won't let them notice me. Ready to go Dedenne?" Dedenne happily responded while being cozy in my bag as we both made it out of the building followed head on. 

Sometimes I may pint out is that love can come in different forms such as having met years before, then meeting again for some years. I found two altogether at different occurrences.    

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