Chapter Twenty-Three

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Greg calmly but purposely walked into his house, not caring if he made noise. He quickly ran upstairs and looked under his bed and saw no sign of the hammer or journal.

"No," he grumbled to himself as he tore apart his closet. "No!"

"Hi, honey! I thought you were going to be gone until Sunday night," Brenda asked, poking her head through the door.

Greg forced himself to remain calm despite his sense of urgency that he felt.

"Yeah... I forgot something. Where's Terra?"

"Oh, she had to go home. Your father got a call about a problem in town square so he dropped her off," she said.

"That's okay," Greg said and ran out the door before his mother could say anything else.

As Greg drove down Terra's street, he thought to himself to try to improvise a plan.

'The back door looks old so we should be able to pry it open.'

"After everything she has been through, I had hoped she could live," Greg's reflection sighed in the rearview mirror.

"She went from an annoyance to a threat. We have no choice," Greg huffed back before hopping out of the jeep.

The back door opened without much effort and Greg found himself inside the Louis' kitchen.

Greg walked over to the empty knife block and sighed before moving to the drawer which he found empty of metal, too. Only a few plastic utensils were scattered inside.

"Cheap bastards don't even have a spoon I can kill them with," Greg mumbled under his breath as he stalked through the dark house. "I would have liked to have killed her quickly, but I guess I have to do it bare handed."

• • •

Terra sat on the bed holding Greg's hammer, slowly turning it in her hands.

"What does he need this for?" she wondered aloud, running a finger of the engraved name on the handle. "Who names a hammer? Why Sarah?"

Confused, but beyond interested, she pulled out the black journal from under the pillow.

"Day one. Terra walks down the hall to her first class in that little uniform. What I wouldn't give to peek at what's under there," she read, blushing deeply.

"I didn't know Greg felt that way about me," she smiled to herself, peering over at herself in the mirror. Her reflection showed her in some sweatpants and one of Greg's hoodies.

"Day five. Terra is still wearing that uniform and it just keeps getting tighter and shorter. Soon I bet it's gonna just pop open and leave her tits exposed."

Terra placed a hand over her chest, starting to feel a bit uncomfortable with what she was reading.

"Day seven. No signs of Terra lately. Ugh, I wanna see what would happen if I tore her bra open."

"Jesus!" Terra scowled, her hands shaking as she turned the page.

"Day Fifteen. She wants to deny me?! Fine! The last thing she's gonna feel is my hand breaking her neck while I'm inside her guts!"

Terra let out an audible gasp and threw the book across the room, softly sobbing into her hands.

Brenda poked her head through the door at the sound.

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