Booties & Sluts: Part Two

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15K readers?! Dankie SO much! I love y'all! Here's a chappie!


Previously on FA:
Then as Harry and I were chatting merrily by ourselves (the rest of the group had split up) we heard this loud grating voice screeching:

"Hiiiiii Haaaaaryyyy! Haaaarrryyy, who is that whore next to you?!"


Harry POV

Shit! How did the Weasel bitch find me?!

Tom looked murderous. His hand twitched towards the wand in his black coat pocket. The first sign of an angry as hell Dark Lord.

I turned around also to look at the Weasel whore. I glared at her and she fell back slightly. But she had continued to stare at Tom critically.

"Ginevra, what do you want?" I asked her icily.

"To say hello to my boyfriend of course!"emphasizing 'boyfriend' to try and deter Tom.

"Excuse me, where is he then? I'd like to say good luck to him!"sneered Tom, he had made his voice slightly higher to be more convincing as a girl.

"Yes. Where is the unlucky sod?" I asked.

Ginny spluttered. "B-But Haaaarrry! You're MY boyfriend!"she wailed. People were gathering around to stare, I could spy Rita Skeeter in the crowd with her infamous Quick-Quotes Quill. Perfect.

"I'm sorry, I don't ever recall being your boyfriend, you stalker. I was shopping in Diagon Alley with my fiancé !" I said really loudly. Rita was rapidly muttering to her quill now.

Ginny shrieked and screeched: "You were supposed to be marrying me! Not—Not this SLUT! We are meant to be together!"

I smirked at her. I fingered the tiny emerald box in my jean pocket. I had been planning on proposing to Tom for a long time now, I thought it would be somewhere very special, but now is okay. To show my claim over the man I love.

I turned to look at a very nonplussed who was staring directly at my hidden hand. Everyone's eyes were looking directly at it.

I knelt down on one knee in front of Tom, revealed the box to showcase a beautiful emerald and ruby encrusted with a platinum gold ring.

I had to change Tom's name up a bit so no one would get suspicious.

"Tomara Merope Riddle. My ride or die, my partner in crime, my world, my heart, my soul, my reason for living. Would you give me the greatest honor in marrying me?"


I was dumbstruck. I was panicked. I was feeling too many things at once. But what I did know, I truly did love Harry so much that I'd die for him.

And plus, I get to show the slut who's boss.

I could feel tears running down my face.

I gave a shaky laugh and tried to wipe my eyes.

"Wow. I'd thought that it would take a lot for a guy to make me cry, but look what you've done. You accomplished the impossible. Harry James Potter, I love you and I want to spend my whole life with you. So yes, you goof, I will marry you!"

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