Day Two: Lesbian Pride

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Main Character(s): Delilah October; Olivia Rhinestone; Kris Hanson

Mentioned Character(s): Unnamed Future Girlfriend; Tyrome October;  Phoenix Matsumoto


Three girls just chilling in a backyard pool, what more could you want on a hot June day? The three best friends were hanging out at Kris's house. Kris was diping her legs in the water while Olivia was dragging Delilah around on a pool floatie. The three girls have been there for hours just swimming and talking and having a good time, with Kris being a little jealous of their relationship here and there, when Olivia decided to bring something up.

"So Kris, do you have any girls on mind recently?"

Kris rose an eyebrow, not overreacting too much. Yeah, it's pride month and she's a mega lesbian. Delilah lifted her head From her nap, her normally frizzy black hair all straightened out and sticking to her face. That's the only thing straight about her, luckily. Olivia had swam the floatie over towards the edge of the pool over to Kris. Both girls had curiosity lighting up their eyes

"Just because Delilah's brother and Luka's brother started dating yesterday doesn't mean some gay fairy godmother is going to magically find me a girlfriend. Chill out."

Both girls sighed, clearly disappointed with that answer. It's funny how cliché these two girls were and how much they romanticize pretty much everything. Kris decided that she didn't like being dried off so she's slipped herself in the water, pushing the floatie away with her legs and half bear freezing to death. The water was so cold compared to the sunlight she was receiving! She hissed like a snake, causing Delilah to snicker.

"Careful, you'll ruin your purple dyed hair."

Kris gave her a glare and gave her the Chinese middle finger, causing her to laugh even more. Olivia pouted at the behavior and started to drag the floatie away before anything bad could happen. Knowing Kris, she's going to do something to Delilah after that. Much to Olivia's dismay, she smirked and began swimming after them slowly, lowering her head into the water like a shark fin. Olivia started swimming faster away, but Kris only picked up the pace. Delilah was blissfully ignorant to the entire situation.

Kris soon had found her way underneaththe floatie. She pried Olivia away from the little handle on the side and took both of her hands on each side. She then thruster her weight up, flipping the floatie over. Under the water, she could hear the muffled shriek of Delilah. Score! Kris resurfaced, not unohased by the long time she spent holding her breath, to see Olivia paddling towards Delilah and Delilah with an extremely furious scowl on her lips. She isn't much of a physical talker. She's mostly bark, and only bites when she's over the top pissed. So she lashed out with a verbal assault.

"Yeah! Well, at least I have a girlfriend!"

Olivia took this as her cue to back up. Kris took her arms and slapped them against the water, making a huge splash that would get all over Delilah. You aren't true friends unless you piss eachother off on purpose, Kris always says. Delilah took this as the final straw and she started swimming towards the edge of the pool. Kris took this as a victory until she realized what she was swimming for. Oh no.


Eggplant hair!? Oh it was on. Poor little Olivia had to sit in the sidelines while her girlfriend and childhood best friend both swam towards two different water guns and started shooting eachother. There was no mercy. No surrender. Water went everywhere, even hitting the windows of the house. Olivia used the floatie as a shield whenever a stray blast of water would fly her way. It was absolutely brutal!

...Until they hit Kris's uncle when he was coming outside to give the girl some juice boxes...


Delilah screamed at Kris once she realized what had happened. Kris froze and everyone dropped their weapons. Cease fire! Repeat, cease fire! The thing about Kris's Aunt and Uncle that she lives with: they're very old. Old and kind. But her uncle had a little bit of a temper and sarcastic streak. Instead of yelling or getting mad, he just held up a caprisun and walked back inside. Oh that jerk! Olivia frowned. She really wanted a caprisun. Delilah saw this and instantly got mad at Kris.

"Thanks Kris! Now we don't have drinks! You better go apologize!"

Kris rolled her eyes and stepped out of the water. She shook herself off like a dog and went inaide to go talk to her uncle. Why was she doing what Delilah wanted? Who knows. She just really wanted a caprisun.

780 Words

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