Chapter 14 - Not a bumblebee

Start from the beginning

Noah reaches down to pick something up by the foot of my bed, which is dangerously close to my closet door. If he turns around, he might see the glimmering suit behind him. "Is this the bag?" Noah holds it up and sets it on my bed, and I nod eagerly.

"Yup, that's the one. Thanks man, I don't know what I'd do without you." I grab the bag and sling it over my shoulder, but I have to wait for him to exit first so I can put my suit on.

Noah raises an eyebrow, "That duffel is empty, dude. I thought you were packing this morning?"

Oooh! Soo close, Becky! You almost got out of there scotch free!

I have to think fast, and I'm not exactly sure what's about to come out of my mouth. "Oh shoot, then it's not this one. Where is that darn thing?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see another bag that's not exactly the same as the black bag I'm holding, but the dark blue bag in the corner of my room on the floor is similar enough. "Oh there it is!" I rush to pick it up before Noah can say there's nothing in this one either.

Noah makes his way to the door, chuckling at me until he turns around to face me. "Just date Emily already. If she's making you this nervous and awkward, there's got to be something there."

Thankfully, he leaves my room. I can feel my whole body deflate after he closes my door. I dash towards my closet and quickly slide the suit off the hanger, changing into it as fast as I can before Noah wonders why I'm still here. After I pull my hoodie over my upper body, I struggle to slide my jeans on over the material of the suit. Maybe I should just start wearing my sweatpants all the time now, since I never know when I'm going to need this suit. I'm okay with wearing sweatpants all the time.

After a clap of my hands, the lights turn off behind me and I shut my bedroom door.

I'm not ignorant, I know I don't possess any knowledge of how to fight off villains. I may go to the gym frequently, but I have no idea how I'm supposed to kick, punch, or slap anyone and do a good amount of damage. It sounds like I'm going in blind, but I keep telling myself that I can always create a diversion by making it pitch black. And that's my only backup plan in case they spot me and ask questions.

It's going to be fine, Becky.

It better be. Emily's life is at stake.


I park about a block away, knowing that my car can't be in sight. Just because I know who Emily is doesn't mean she has to know my alter ego too. All I have to do is bust her out of The Undergrounds - we part ways when we step out of the old, abandoned building. I just really hope she's conscious and I don't have to carry her out.

With all the courage I can muster up, I walk into The Undergrounds building, and take those crumbling concrete steps down to the villain hangout. When I take the final step into the open area, I make an immediate beeline for the cells to my left, knowing exactly where I can find Jenga. There's a super dressed in a deep purple and black suit lying down on the black leather sofa in the corner of the basement area. Their long, silky black hair is sprawled out on the pillow under their head, and I do believe they're snoring. I think it's safe to say that this super is asleep. I don't see any other supers in sight, so I shrug and continue down the corridor to the cells.

I trace my hand along the concrete wall because it's getting dimmer the farther I go back. Surely I don't need night vision to find Jenga'a cell. When my hand slaps against a metal bar, I feel a spike of adrenaline.

"Jenga? Are you down here?" I whisper as quietly as I can, careful not to draw any attention to myself.

Suddenly, in the dim lighting, Jenga appears at a set of bars. "Switch? What're you doing here?" She asks in a whisper.

I wave my hand to cut her off, "No time for questions. Just back up, I'm going to break you out."

Jenga gives me a hesitant look, but decides to obey my orders. I'm just hoping I can manage my powers well enough to not hit Jenga in the process. I close my eyes, trying to harness the energy in my body into my hands, and I can feel my arms tingling with electric volts coursing through my veins.

All of my focus is on the glowing green light above the cell door. I take a step back and throw my hand back like I'm about to pitch a baseball. I launch an orb of glowing blue light above the door, and I hear a small squeak come from Jenga.

"Are you okay?!" I ask in a panic.

All of a sudden, the cell door starts to creak, and then it begins to fall. I dive down to the floor and out of the way of the wide door.

"Well I'm not the one who almost got trapped under a cell door," Jenga steps into the open hallway where I'm still laying on the floor. She brings her hair into a tight ponytail on top of her head. "But yeah, I'm fine."

Before I can respond, I hear footsteps running towards us, and I immediately scramble to my feet. Shouts of alarmed villains fill my ears as they come running down the corridor. Without a moment's hesitation, I grip onto Jenga'a wrist and begin to navigate down the hallway towards the staircase. The second the first villain comes into my line of vision, I toss an energy orb their way and watch the villain in a lime green and navy blue suit collapse at the strike.

The others are quick to follow suit, but now they know my power and they're avoiding the orbs I throw. Some fall like flies at the energy blasts, but when the Bumblebee villain makes eye contact with me, I know I'm done for. He charges at us, and when he throws a tiny object held between his fingers, I find myself petrified. The object skims my arm, and I have to push through the pain. As I grit my teeth together, breathing through the burning sensation, I rush Jenga up the steps. It feels like a hot match brushed against my arm, and when I look down to assess the damage, I see nothing but a red blotch. It feels like a yellow jacket just stung me.

It all comes rushing at me at once; all of the memories of seeing the stories on the news. He's not a bumblebee, he's the villain Yellow Jacket. He can shoot out stingers from his fingertips endlessly.

I continue to push Jenga up the stairs, but when her legs lock in place and she begins to fall backwards, I catch her and look over in horror. Yellow Jacket has shot her with a stinger, and it didn't just graze her arm and cause a stinging sensation. She's passed out. There is no backup plan - I still have to get her out. In a split second, I toss her over my shoulder and bolt towards the top of the steps and out the door of the warehouse. The double doors slam shut behind me, but I know Yellow Jacket is hot on my trail.

Without a moment of hesitation, I make a beeline (pun not intended) for the alleyway that will lead to the street where I parked my car.

With the added weight of Jenga on my shoulders, I struggle to run as fast as I usually can. Once I get to my car, I unlock the doors and throw open the passenger door. As carefully but as quickly as I can, I set Jenga in the seat. I instantly feel relief as the weight is brought off my shoulder. I'm about to close the passenger door and run around to my side when a black piece of fabric catches my eye on the pavement below me. I bring my hand up to cover my mouth when I realize it's Jenga's mask. I look over at Jenga sleeping in my passenger seat.

Oh, Em. What have I done?

Haha... long time no see? 😅
Ok ok I haven't updated in a month I owe you guys a little more than that. While I am on summer break, I have a lot of trips I'm taking this summer, and one of them happened this month. It was a missions trip, and it was so awesome to see God working where we were. It left me very tired, but it was so worth it.
I've also been babysitting a little bit as well as doing VBS for elementary kids, which was also very tiring but amazing overall. I taught the kids music and motions and God just really outdid himself in this past week through these kids.
Just to give you guys a heads up, I have two trips I will be taking next month, but I will continue to write this book. Thank you for all of your patience and support. I love each one of you!

(P.S - The song attached is called Amphetamine. It's from one of my favorite movies called Bandslam, but it's not on Netflix anymore. If you have a chance to watch it, do it! I felt that this song's hype level matched the adrenaline rush Beckett felt in this chapter.)

Thanks for reading!
Always, Sunny ☀️

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