Sakamaki Brothers x Reader: Laito's Secret

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(Sakamaki Brothers x Reader) Laito's Secret

Warning: Dirtiness and cursing!

"Bitch-chan~ Open up~" Laito's deadly voice chimed from the other side of the locked door.

I didn't dare say a word. Although he could probably smell my scent, already knowing that I'm in my room, I still kept quiet. He can teleport himself in here if he desired!Without wasting any more time, I quietly stepped away from the door and mindlessly slipped my body underneath my bed. I waited a little bit until Laito appeared in the room with a devilish smile playing on his smooth lips. He took a few steps towards my bed as he swerved his head seeming like he was inspecting around the room, his eyes held a lustful stare as he looked at possible hiding places for a human.

His slender fingers played with the rim of his fedora as he let out a chuckle, "Well it seems like sweet little bitch-chan is nowhere to be found~" I didn't believe it one bit, "I guess I can take a break on her luscious bed that's filled with her sweet scent~" the bed creaked as he collapsed onto the bed along, the sudden pressure of his weight onto the bed caused me to be briefly squished for a second, but with every movement he made the bed softly creaked; Jeez! Is he always this frisky when he goes to bed!? He held onto one of the pillows and took in a deep breath,smelling it, "Ahh~ even when bitch-chan isn't here she still know show to tease me~! Maybe I should...." he trailed off as if he was getting ready to do something.

Oh god! Please don't let him find me,especially when he's in this kind of mood! My thoughts abruptly paused when the sound of a belt being unbuckled and clothes becoming undone. What...? He's not going to do what I think....

"Mm~ b-bitch-chan~" HO-LY F*C-KING SHIT! The sound of him rubbing and tugging at himself was already too much but he had no shame on moaning out loud! The bed was creaking softly as he kept pleasing himself to the thought of me. I had to cover my mouth to prevent any small sounds coming out of me, my face felt completely hot to the point where people might think I have a fever!

The bed started to rock, occasionally banging against the wall, who the fuck masturbates to the point where the bed shakes this much?!

"Oh! Ahh~ f*ck~! I can't wait to f*ck your innocence right out of you~!" he shamelessly moans out roughly.

I wonder what the others are going to think. His moans get louder. What am I going to think after this? Laito lets out a strangle moan, rubbing himself faster and began thrusting his hips wildly, clearly indicating his closeness. What am I going to do when he talks to me!?

"HAHH~!! (Y/N)~!!" he desperately moans loudly, nearly to the top of his lungs, "Mmm~ Ohh (Y/n)~"the bed movement slowly comes to a halt, as I assume, he rubs out his orgasm and passes out.

Okay....what the actual sh*t just happened?

The door opened ever so slowly like someone was trying to be very cautious then I saw Ayato and Kanato peek their heads in seeing their brother passed out covered in his own love liquid, Kanato was absolutely disgusted yet Ayato was snickering. The brothers entered the room being careful not to disturb their own brother, not noticing that I was stuck under my bed. If they saw me, there would be no end to the torture! Ayato pulled out his cellphone and snapped a picture of the scene before them.

Ayato observed the picture on the screen before slipping back into his pocket, "Heh heh! This'll be perfect for black-mailing the pervert!" he said to himself with pride as he turned on his heel and walked out of the room.

Kanato followed shortly after,muttering how disgusted he was and an apology to Teddy for letting him see this disturbing scene. I let out a breath of relief before I tried to get out from underneath the bed then I realized I was stuck.My hands reached out in attempt to pull myself out but no luck.Subaru was casually walking by my room and saw the scene before him.At first he was about to walk away in disgust but his red eyes spotted me struggling. He was extremely confused on what happened, he knew me well enough to where I would never let myself in a scene like that. We made eye contact, my eyes were screaming for help. He didn't want to ask any questions. Subaru quietly made his way towards me, cringing at his older brother in such a state, he held both my hands with a firm grip and pulled me out into his arms. He teleported us to the garden where he knew we would have privacy. Letting his arms release me, he gave me space to breath and I explained how it all happened.

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