Chapter 2

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I walked down the streets of Detroit, my arms wrapped tightly around myself. I breathed in and out slowly, trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. I ratted out on one of the only people who ever cared about me. And now I was going to have to testify against him in court to send him to jail. Just to save my own ass. 

I didn’t know where I was suppose to go now. I had lived with the gang since I was 11. That was the only place I had ever been able to call home. But I knew I couldn’t go back there now. I had broken the most important rule of all, don’t rat. 

I had no idea what time it was. When I left the police station it was around 5 pm. I had been walking aimlessly for at least 4 hours, probably more. I noticed the sky was starting to turn darker, the streetlights the only thing leading me. 

I racked my brain thinking of possible places for me to sleep tonight. I guess I could go to a shelter, that is if they have room for me. Or I could just rest my head on the street. It wasn’t like I had never done it before. 

Then I remembered that the police were sending a cop to watch over me. They said he would be at my home later tonight. I forgot to tell them that I didn’t have a home. 

Though there was one place. One house. It used to be my home. Maybe that’s where the cop would be waiting for me. 

Unwelcome thoughts of things that happened in that house filled my mind. I shuddered as I thought about going back there, but I’m sure it would be better than sleeping on the street. If the gang found out that I had told on Cameron I’m sure they would be looking for me. At least at that house I would have some protection. 

I turned around in the other direction and began walking to that house. 

I stood on the side of the street opposite of the house. It looked exactly the same from the outside. The door old and rusty, the glass in one of the front windows was shattered, the metal bars still in place around it and all the other windows. 

I took small steps forward, crossing the street. I made my way up the rickety wooden steps to the front door. I hesitantly placed my hand on the door knob, turning it slowly. To my surprise, it was unlocked. 

I pushed the door open and stepped into the house, then shut it behind me. 

I sucked in a breath as my eyes roamed around. Everything was exactly how I remembered it, only it was now covered in dust.

I walked into the living room. The couch, the small television, and the wooden coffee table that had been eaten by termites all in the same exact place as they were eight years ago. I swiped my hand over the couch, removing some of the dust before sitting down. 

I sat up straight, not daring to lean back and get more dust on my clothes. All my clothes were at the gang house, and I wasn’t about to go back there. These had just become the only pair of clothes I owned. Actually, they were the only thing I owned at all. 

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