Chapter 21

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I wrapped my arms around my body, rubbing my hands against my shirt to give me some warmth. 

I had been walking all day, I didn't know how many hours exactly, and I didn't know where I was going. But I needed to go somewhere. I couldn't handle Lucy's menacing glare. I know I definitley couldn't handle that from Officer Lee. 

I wanted to tell them what happened with Agatha. Although looking back, I almost wish that Ihad waited, done it differently. But a part of me felt that if I had waited any longer I would have burst from the pent up tension inside of me. 

I pulled myelf from my deep thinking upon hearing the loud grumble of my stomach. I hadn't eaten all day. 

I roamed the strees a few minutes more before fidning a Wawa. 

I pulled the door open towards me and walked in. 

Surverying the store, I noticed that there were cameras everywhere. There was no way that I wasn't going to be seen. I had to be quick. 

I kept my eyes down, avoiding the looks of everyone inside. 

I walked down the aisle filled with various chips and candies. I gulped. With my head down I grabbed two candy bars in each hand, shoving them into my pockets. 

I treked forward, slowing grabbing a small bag of chips. I forced them underneath my shirt. 

I looked up. No one appeared to be looking my way. 

I quickly moved towards the door before anyone noticed me. But another growl erupted in my stomach, signaling that I needed something to drink. 

Damn it! I turned back around and sped over to the freezers. 

I saw drinks of all sizes, but none that I could easily fit under my shirt along with the chips already there. 

I opened one of the doors and grabbed the smalled bottle of water I saw. 

I reached for the bottom of my shirt, preparing to lift it up. 

I looked to the left, where a man cleared his throat. He stared directly at me. Wawa was printed on his black shirt. 

Shit! I mustered up a smile. 

He smiled back, but I knew it was fake. "Going to pay for that, girl?" 

"Yes, I was just on my way to the register."

"Alright, then get on over there then. And get your hand away from your shirt." 

I nodded before slowly turning away. I felt the man behind me and I walked over to the register counter. I knew he was on to me. I would have to make a break for it. 

I took a few deep breaths. 

I quickly bolted through the door. 

I ran straight, not stopping for anything. 

I heard the man yelling behind me, but I didn't stop. I ran forward until I didn't hear him anymore. But even then, I kept running. 

My legs were aching, my body was begging me to stop. But my brain wouldn't let me. 

I was running from everything that had happened. I was running from my feelings. My feelings of sadness and guilt for my part in Agatha's death. My feelings of betrayal from Lucy. I looked at her as a motherly figure, and now she had so easily turn her back on me. She didn't feel anything for me for me from the beginning. I was just a charity case that Officer Lee had taken in. 

I was mainly running from my feelings for Officer Lee. I didn't know exactly what it was that I felt for him. Whatever it was, it scared me. And I didn't, and still don't, know how to handle it. 

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