Chapter 18

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We were silent all through the long car ride to Officer Lee’s home.

I wasn’t sure what to say, as I could still taste the vile in my mouth from the horrible feeling of knowing that it was my fault that Agatha was dead. I kept it down though, but I knew that sooner rather than later I would have to reveal this to someone.

I pulled my phone from my back pocket upon feeling the vibration.


Shit! I had completely forgotten to text Officer Lee. I knew he would be fuming when I walked in.

I noticed Richard rounding the corner and pulling up to the front entrance of the building.

“No, no! You were supposed to drop me off a block away. I’m supposed to be coming from school.”

“Oh, I forgot. Well… just tell him you got a ride with a friend.”

I sighed, “Fine.” I hitched my bag onto my shoulder.

“I’ll get your door.”

“No, no, no! Its fine, I’ll get it myself. I don’t want him to see you.”

Richard chuckled, “My, are you really that afraid of him?”

I furrowed my eyebrow at his comment. Was I that afraid of him?

“Well, I’ll let you go then. It was a pleasure speaking with you today Sian. You are a fine young woman. I hope we can do this again sometime, maybe with Jett.”

“Sure, good bye Richard.”

“Goodbye, Sian.”

I stepped out of the shiny car and closed the door behind me. I walked to the golden double doors, pressing the buzzer and awaiting the come in signal from the doorman.

Once allowed in, I walked straight to the elevators and stepped inside. I punched in the appropriate code for our floor that I had memorized from watching Officer Lee type it in.

I breathed in and out deeply as the elevator ascended. I could only imagine the wrath I was soon to face.

I opened my eyes from my thoughts upon hearing the ding of the elevator doors opening.

I inhaled my breath sharply as I saw Officer Lee standing before me. His hair was a tangled, ruffled mess and his eyes were practically white. I noticed his chest heaving back forth quickly without the confines of a shirt.

“Where were you?” he said sternly.

I stepped out of the elevator, biting my lip nervously. “S-school.”

“Wrong answer.”

“I was, I told you I was g-going to school.”

“Yes, you did tell me that. You also told me you would notify me when you arrived and when you left, which you failed to do.”

“I-I’m sorry I just…”

“And since I was not notified I was unsure of what happened to you. You could have been jumped again and this time they finished the job. You could have ran away. Someone from the gang could have gotten to you.”

“I’m sorry I m…”

Officer Lee held his hand up silencing me. “So, since I nor Lucy had any idea if you were okay or dead I called the school.”

Oh no.

“Do you know what they told me?” I shook my head no. “You didn’t come in today.”

Police Protection ProgramDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora